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Everything posted by Harry

  1. After 21+ in November I know damn well another 18+ snowstorm is not happening this winter. Still it looks to be a wild storm either way.
  2. If it's gonna be that give me 50s and 60s!
  3. Matching on 2014, 1951. Two of the others were in 1966 and 2000 which was the record holder. Top five in order are. 2022 2000 2014 1966 1951 Most know about all of them except perhaps 1951-52. Which was a decent here with around 80. Both 2000 and 2014 had two other big months and that was it. Dec 2000 50+ and Feb 2015 40+.. 66-67 was front to end except Dec kinda sucked.
  4. I just can't imagine trying to clear that wow Think I would end up needing another heart surgery.. lol
  5. Yeah that map is way off. No totals mentioned for here or Kalamazoo for that matter in the text. Total there was 24. That map is close to what they drew up prior to the event with what they were expecting.. Ofcourse who knows maybe they are not good with maps? May not know exact location of places?
  6. Most of the same people have been working at this office for well over a decade. I think only two have switched. A busted forecast happens especially with the lake stuff but how they address it is another issue. Many here will tell you it's been a issue for a long time. Nine out of ten times when they screw up it's the counties along i94 especially east of 131 which I really wish they would quit using as a cut off line when it comes to lake effect. Unsure about 131 north of Grand Rapids but unless it's a nnw or more northerly flow that snow is going further east then that highway south of Grand Rapids. And typically earlier in the season the higher totals tend to be along and east of that highway. The warmer lake water temps has a bit to do with that I suspect? I and others have emailed them over the years but to no avail..
  7. Total qpf was .78 for those who like to keep track of that. Canadian and Ukie was too high showing over a inch.. Rap, HRR, GFS hit around that I do believe? Half asleep so someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!
  8. The total ( yesterday now included ) is 21.7! November total is 24.5! Friday is the only day that would have qualified going by the observer reporting. Saturday evening/night is a tough call because with that wind it really was whiteout conditions. But yeah I get your point and I agree just this one was a little different. My issue was how badly they low balled the forecasted amounts especially with a warning flying which made it a really big head scratcher? Never once did I ever see the final total forecast come in over 8 here yet 20+ fell. Hell 10-12+ Friday alone across BC. Worse is how much they try to sweep it under the rug with those bs maps and not showing the total which is very news worthy ( record breaking ) but yeah the very news worthy = a bad look on them.. Which is a constant theme with this office especially when it involves the lake and this area.
  9. Total imby is 20. Officially it was at 20.4 as of midnight. This les event will rank #2 behind December 2001. For the month at 23.2 which is a new record for November. Personally this is the most snow in a event I have seen since moving to MI in July 2004. My first 20+ since Feb 1996 on the east coast.. This shit disappears quick. Have about a foot on the ground and with full sun I suspect it will continue to drop quickly through the rest of the day. Still a very fun event.. Any final yet out of Orchard Park?
  10. All the attention on Buffalo while we are breaking our own records..
  11. No but I'll try and get one. My mother in law lives there. Those bands still looking decent out that way. Ann Arbor looks like it is getting clocked as should Josh aka MiSnowFreak.. Amazing.
  12. Looking to be the case with the 20+ totals from here to Kalamazoo on up to Grand Rapids..
  13. 14.4"... Almost forgot about that.. Tried to upload a quick vid but says file to large.
  14. 3-4 my ass.. Over the 3 mark and continues to come down hard. On another note... I never thought my biggest snowfall here would come via the lake but it's looking like a safe bet now. 2 inches to go to hit that mark which is 18 via GHD ll... The official site for Battle Creek should make a run at the two foot mark. I am about to leave work which is two miles south from my house so I could be a little off.
  15. A matter again ( like yesterday etc ) of getting into and a band hanging out. This band that's been hitting here the last hour and a half has been intense. Close to 2 from it already. It is slipping south a bit which should give the south side of town some make up snow..
  16. GRR cut down on totals here to 3-4? Gut says we blow by that as we did yesterday and the night before. Ofcourse all depends on where the bands set up? Admittedly the models didn't look as robust today which I am guessing is why the drop in expected totals here? Snowing at a decent clip now.
  17. Pound town the last couple of hours there I see! What's your total so far? Gonna be in it a while as well. Glad you are finally getting it. About to ramp up here.
  18. Coming back quicker then I thought it would. That radar is lighting up quick.. Actually have a bit of sun at the moment. GRR mentioned thunder snow with this stuff today and tonight. That would put a cherry on top if I could score that!
  19. Officially the total for yesterday is 12.6 which ranks as the snowiest day ever in the month of November. Previous was November 3rd 1966 with 9.5! And with them reporting 3.3 the day before it brings the official Les storm total to 15.9! I knew there was gonna be a few higher totals here but that I didn't expect. My total is 13.0 so far. Ofcourse the observer is a few miles west of me on the Nw side of town. Considering the break happening here this morning I kinda have mixed feelings about adding this afternoon/tonight's stuff to the event total. But yeah I know this is how multi day Les events roll. Officially need another 10.5 to break the Les total record which as mentioned before was with the Dec 2001 event which is 26.4! It stretched over 5 days.. The November snowfall records is 21 set in November 2000. Currently sit at 18.7 for the month so far. Had thought the record was a bit higher. Just checked though right before this post. All in all impressive to say the least. Not Buffalo but impressive for here anyways. That Orchard Park total makes me feel like I got a dusting. Lol
  20. Yeah I was referring to GHD ll since you mentioned that November 2014 which would be the same winter. Wasn't wall to wall snow like 13-14 but still a decent winter around here atleast.
  21. Wasn't GHD 2 that winter? Ofcourse I don't recall what Grand Rapids got from that but was a solid 18 here. Why I place it above the more touted GHD 1 around here which dropped a foot here and those 18 amounts up towards Grand Rapids.
  22. While not Buffalos totals I am pretty stoked for what is coming off of lake Michigan which is impressive in its own right for around here. Top 3 event as far as LES goes for here. Could be 18-24 here by the time it ends Sunday morning. That's crazy for this area being as far inland as it is. For now it seems to be wrapping up for the night. Mainly just lighter stuff the past hour or so.
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