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Posts posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. 8 minutes ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

    Anyone have any ideas for fencing in my raised beds? I’m looking for something cheap ish, that doesn’t look like trash. 

    I was hoping to get away without a fence, but I’m sure the dear will destroy em 

    I have a ton of wire fencing that's about 12" tall in the garden.  It's going to the mortgage company when they foreclose. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, DavisStraight said:

    I wore a sling for two weeks and then just started getting my strengthen back starting with light weights, the good part was the sharp pain was gone but it did ache for a while, I didn't get pain pills from the doc so I just toughed it out. Never liked to take them anyway.

    I dislocated my shoulder falling when

    skiing at Mount Snow in April of 2017. I couldn't keep my arm in a sling for very long,  because I need to walk holding on to things because of my disability. 

    The arm still hurts in some positions If I pick up anything heavy.  Before it was relocated I was in extreme pain. 

    • Like 1
  3. The EU just banned any aircraft with Russian registration from entering their airspace.  The world depends heavily on open airspace over Russia, this might be very expensive to fly around if they institute a ban. Russia also makes alot of money charging for overflight permission. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, ROOSTA said:


    It's not even worth commenting on.
    As the events unfold and escalate. Told you so.

    Defending, supporting democracy, I guess is a lost cause. SAD 

    It feels like the old joke that Hitler just wants peace. A peace of various countries to appease him. Could be similar with Putin. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ROOSTA said:

    It's been nice knowing everyone.
    A cornered animal when threatened will lash out and even bite its owner.
    The use of nuclear weapons is now real.
    One misstep, a yahoo going off the rails...
    God help us all.   

    Purin just put his nuclear deterent forces on high alert.

  6. 5 minutes ago, dendrite said:

    I get it..had 14° here, but never bottomed out on my hill. But a few puffs of southerly wind and some sun and it was pushing 30°. Tomorrow will feel like deep winter though.

    I'd rather it be warmer and not risk hypothermia going downstairs :lol:

  7. SK

    1 minute ago, Hoth said:

    I’m going to make another argument. Russia is paranoid because it has no natural geographic features to provide a defense bulwark on its western border. It’s a lot of flat plains. This has left them vulnerable to invasion from the west over the centuries. Putin wants at the least a buffer of friendly nations on his flank to put some distance between himself and the West. The farce in this, the paranoid delusion, is the idea that Western Europe has any designs on taking over Russia. If he can’t have a bunch of Belaruses, clearly he’s okay with taking free countries by force and coercing them into supporting Russia. 

    Putin is ex KGB and was stationed for a time in Dresden,  DDR in the 1980s.  So he's old school in wanting a buffer zone. In those days the eastern block still existed. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Hoth said:

    Let’s not forget that the Russians are trying to take over a country roughly the size of Texas with 200k troops. It may have been a miscalculation not to deploy their best equipment from the get-go. An operation like this would be difficult enough without a highly motivated native population who do not want to be a Soviet vassal state again. It’s going to be a major logistical challenge for Russia getting fuel and provisions to their troops when they really don’t fully control transit routes. They certainly have air superiority, but not total supremacy and with EU sending in anti-aircraft weaponry they will pay a price in the sky as well. I don’t see Ukraine folding anytime soon, even if their leader falls. They will draw price for this treachery. 

    I sure as hell hope the Russian bear gets a bloody nose.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, OceanStWx said:

    Agree to disagree on this one. You call it a civil conflict among Ukrainians. Say what you want about Luhansk and Donetsk, but there was no civil conflict in Kyiv yet they are being bombed every few hours. Russia overstepped on this one, there's just no way around it.

    Supposedly the press access to other parts of Ukraine is becoming more restricted.  This is affecting the ability to know what's going on more difficult. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, PowderBeard said:

    That was awesome. My other favorite were Ukrainian soldiers making fun of the old tanks the Russians were using after finding one abandoned.  

    Less than awesome,  was a clip i saw last night of and old Soviet flag flying on a lead tank.

  11. 19 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Yup, everyone but the delusional perfect race was in jeopardy. Once your area was invaded and controlled by nazi’s, you were either pro nazi or not, and either decision had it’s consequences. 

    The run up to murdering Jews started in 1939 with a euthanasia program called T4 This killed Mentally ill German citizens. The disease I have is hereditary. Thankfully my grandmother didn't have symptoms until the 1970's.

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