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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. Red buds will be in bloom by end of next week! Forsythias , in full bloom now! Just crazy! Looking forward to the Godzilla / Fartman super El Niño next winter!!
  2. Also,CR, Bermuda sod is a quicker way! I've taken patches out of my yard, when digging a bed or etc, and dug out a little bare spot somewhere else, plant it even, like patching carpet, keep it wet for a week or two, and takes off from there!
  3. It's the cold , the red clay doesn't slow them down a bit!! They get sneaky sometimes and make mounds in mulch or in containers and you can see the mounds as easily!
  4. Those things look awesome! Just bought one (dormant) can't wait to see the dark leaves and see if they hold the dark color in heat/humidity! Bought one called "Burgandy Cotton" with white flowers years ago, it's almost all green leaves by July
  5. Those things are the scourge of the earth! They've been here atleast 15 years! Discovered them the hard way when I first bought our house!
  6. Yep, spread by stolons and will take over fescue and bluegrass, in a heart beat! And loves heat! RAH and surrounding areas, use to be in an area where fescue would do well, but given the last few years, with our very warm winters, RAH has a zone 9 climate now!
  7. Plant a crape myrtle or a nice juniper in the center , and mulch the rest of the circle! Those are the 2 toughest trees that popped in my head! You can find crape myrtle , from 3'-40' tall and just about any color flower! I promise you there are some cool junipers, but I bet you plant a blue rug juniper there, and it will thrive! You could plant those in cement , and they would grow! These need full bright sun for atleast six hours, so if the other trees are blocking the sun, you need a plan B
  8. Yeah, could have been a walnut tree there at some point?? So much acid in the nuts, nothing can grow under walnut trees!
  9. That's probably pretty specialized, might have to go to like a feed and seed type of store, where they sell heavier duty agricultural stuff
  10. Don't know why nothing will grow, just might be really poor dirt. I'd put down 2 bags of mushroom compost and take it/ mix it with the top two or three inches of dirt , over the whole area of each bad spot, should help atleast get some weeds going! What kind of grass is your yard!?
  11. Well our 28th " threat" went north on 6z! ! Atleast it looks wet the next two weeks , with an active subtropical jet, we still need the rain!
  12. Good answer! Also put down pre emergent in September or October, to prevent winter weeds from sprouting
  13. Oh sh!t! Nam extrapolation! That's what this winter has become!!? Where's the DGEX maps!?
  14. Where are all the nut jobs ! Winters over! Let it go!
  15. If I get an inch of snow or more on the Thursday storm, I will never make another post on ANY weather boards! That's how sure I am of no snow! Y'all need to quit grasping at straws!! Mountains possibly, everyone else S of VA, NO!
  16. No, the polar vortex over the lakes, will cause the unusual anomalous SE, trend!
  17. 40s and rain will be fun in April and May! Im telling you, next winter will be amazeballs with sun spots and stuff!
  18. Think Webber said, in a nutshell, we are screwed through mid month and the last half could be better!?
  19. I'd love to see a BN April and May, maybe even throw in a - NAO!
  20. I'm an animal person, but if one ever lays a hot nugget on my car, I will make him into a tennis racquet !
  21. Voles make tunnels too! I think! They eat roots underground and one day you look out and see a dead tree or shrub , and you touch it and it just falls over, all the roots are gone! Coles suck! Miles are just rooting around for grubs and stuff, just look at it as free aeration!
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