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Posts posted by mackerel_sky

  1. 1 hour ago, Iceagewhereartthou said:

    Might as well bring the discusion from the main thread here. The maps look very pretty and all but I remain very skeptical for the upstate. While we probably see snow fall (which is better than nothing) I think any accumulation is going to be hard to come by. It's really too bad this doesn't get going about 6 hours earlier; NGA by tonight and the upstate by about 4-5am. I love watching snow fall as much as the next guy, but watching it melt as soon as it hits the ground is almost more painful than never seeing it fall to begin with. I (and the kids) would really love to have at least a couple inches to play in, but unless this really overperforms, it's probably one of those teaser type things. If I was in NGA and highest elevations of the upstate I would be very excited for the prospect though. Oconee may do the best (for a change) since the cold profile is in place (rather than having to wait on CAA or a wedge) and moiture gets there the earliest. Outside of that we'll see. I keep dreaming that one day we'll get the total profile cold with a moisture feed like yesterday, but alas... 

    Anxiously awaiting the 4 o’clock local met updates! See what the hype/ignoring level is! Can almost guarantee KK elwill be all rain/token flakes, CJ will be in half -weenie mode, they should tread lightly after last weeks suprise/ bust!

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  2. 2 hours ago, Iceagewhereartthou said:

    Consider yourself lucky Mack. Tornadoes are just nasty, and 3 inches of rain is plenty. I came just an eyelash of getting a flooded finished basement,  way too close for comfort. 

    Our neighborhood is on the reedy, wife said it was 6-7’ from the road @ W Georgia rd. Said they were watching and a couch came floating by!

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