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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. You got bonus snows/snow cover in November. That's a win. Early DEC offers up some hope as Will said before a possible relaxation mid month.
  2. Back to dirt roads, horse and buggies, and gathering/hunting for one's food? I could deal.
  3. Yikes...I was only joking. Historically, Nino winters don't get going to the second half anyway, so I'm sure there will be plenty of cold/snow in the pipeline. Nino Decembers tend to be iffy. That being said, I wouldn't mind 20s/30s going forward with well AN snowfall. 0s/10s are for the birds.
  4. I feel like we'll return to this post in late March and go..."Wow! Spot on!"
  5. Not a storm thread, but here's the December discussion thread. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/topic/51756-december-discussion/ The AEMATT crowd doesn't care about a few moose and skiers getting some paste tonight/tomorrow.
  6. Since this forum runs on an "AEMATT" theme and since E MA is out of the game through the end of November, I thought I'd kick off the December discussion. It looks like we have a few cutters and/or huggers to start off the first couple weeks of the first winter month. Rumors of one-eyed piglets sightings near AK too. NAO rising, PNA dropping, AO solidly negative but rising...... What will December bring? Joy or dismay?
  7. Winter starts closer to Jan 1 on the coast. Maybe we get a rogue event that melts two days later.
  8. I saw...hoping that it's off or at least transient. It's a Nino, so hopefully it doesn't become a permanent resident IF it does develop.
  9. As long as we avoid the one-eyed cyclops in AK, I'm good. Here on the coast, I can't get to excited until post 12/20 anyway.
  10. Dendrite jackpot again? Winners ‘gonna win.
  11. Norluns are typically interim solutions. I fully expect this to morph into a full blown cutter or Miller B. If the latter, hopefully it develops in time for eastern areas.
  12. I'd take a 3 day stretch of sun and 50s/60s right about now. I'm sure we'll get that around Christmas...probably minus the sun of course though.
  13. Good shot at several inches near and along the MA/NH border northward tomorrow and no storm disco thread? Are we that spoiled already? Some years flurries in January gets its own 40 page thread.
  14. Shut em down for 48-72 hrs next week before we turn to a powder keg pattern. Dec may rock.
  15. I have never read so much or learned so much about the great city of Methuen before!
  16. It’s been brutal. So many cloudy rainy days.
  17. On the phone, but looks like 0z GFS held serve. 850 0C line straddling the Pike.
  18. I’m just happy we’re stormy and chilly. Even when it “warms up” we’re only talking average. Winter’s personality starting to show itself.
  19. Thanks. And yeah, I was talking about part 2. It does look like a 128 special on the 6z GFS.
  20. I’m guessing the BL for the immediate coast is cooked again. Midlevels torch for the SE MA coast later on in the event.
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