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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. TV Mets very underwhelming for the coast. 1-3ish for most. I think they bust too low at least on the north shore.
  2. Let’s line up the next widespread snower before the cutter even arrives. We’ll give that cutter a taste of its own medicine.
  3. Lots of weenie-ing in here today. Still looks good for 6+ for a lot of the forum. Just last week, I said I wanted just a simple 2-4, so I can’t complain.
  4. Let this thing cut and wipe us out clean. I’ll start fresh and wait for the big ‘un Ray promised for a few weeks from now.
  5. Pattern looks decent after the disaster on the 10th at least.
  6. Just noticed that BOX is going for an inch or less here (Salem/Beverly). Rockport does better on their map. That would be a lousy outcome for certain.
  7. I’m feeling better on the water in Salem (versus Rockport), but I still think you guys pull around a six spot.
  8. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Let’s keep this trending. I’m too used to things trending to crap as we get closer in.
  9. I like it turning to slop at the end. Let’s get some meat to this pack and then freeze it solid mid month.
  10. 1/10 looks like a decent SWFE now. I wouldn’t be shocked if we get more snow out of that than from 1/7.
  11. The trolls will be on as the snow is falling to let us know it will all be vaporized with the rainer on the 10th.
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