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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. Jeff Masters, wow... Just wow ?? 2013: A Warm and Wet Year in the U.S. ??? http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/comment.html?entrynum=2610#commenttop
  2. In 2013 ALL government departments are fighting for survival, including NASA and NOAA. It would make ZERO sense for them to do anything to risk their existence, so don't act surprised that they will limit positive discussion on climate, bad news is good news for those who draw a paycheck from researching AGW and delivering that news. When congressional budget hearings come up, EVERYTHING said by NOAA and NASA employees will be on the table. Nothing exciting has come out of the space agency in years, now look where they are... We don't even have a shuttle anymore.
  3. If it stayed where it is for a long time it would probably make an impact. The theory of co2 sensitivity is approx 3.2W / M2..... So 1.3 would be significant.
  4. Sun spots are non existent, but the peak to the valley is only 1.3W per sq meter.
  5. Don't SSTs anomalies usually peak about now?
  6. That yellow line looks like Argo.... Big change in OHC trend during the ARGO era.
  7. Not tweaked by you... Its not raw data, I'm sure. Raw data is almost 99% of the time cooler than adjusted.
  8. That 0-700M temp chart by friv looks like it was tweaked from the one I saw a few days ago. Imagine being on our side of the discussion for a moment.... Data comes in favorable, its then tweaked to remove the cooling or downward trend. Never fails.
  9. When observations come in UNDER lowest scenarios, the science isn't settled. Its not totally that simple, but its a good base line for being skeptical of other models When sea temps flat-line or decline when a higher resolution and accurate measurement network are put in place, skeptical criticism isn't all that unfounded.
  10. London notoriously had the most smoggy air on the planet until the middle of last century, I wonder how much of a contribution that might have been to UK warming.
  11. Contrails probably matter more than corn fields. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_dimming#Probable_causes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrail#Contrails_and_climate
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_evaporation This almost seals the deal on the global dimming hypothesis.
  13. I think the land temperature "Pause" or "Decline" is just an side effect of the aerosol reduction plateau, the bulk of the brightening has taken place... Like I posted previously, there might be a second bounce because of a major reduction of diesel particulate matter.
  14. Most warming from 1970 to 1995 was almost completely as a result of the Clean Air Act. If CO2 is the main culprit, its warming would have been spread more evenly without the aerosols, instead it was seen after the fog cleared. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a second warming bounce due to particulate filters being mainstream since 2007 in many of the worlds diesel burning engines, a huge source of aerosol production. Disclaimer: I'm not disputing CO2 being a GHG, I'm just agreeing with the surfer theory of global dimming during the period of 1945-1990s.
  15. I think this is more of a result of being an AmWx forum, a heavily winter weather oriented community. I talk with skeptics on other sites and many of them live down south or out west, local weather is of very little interest to them. Heck, didn't Cromartie get banned for being too negative about winter?
  16. You forgot the worst of the bunch, the "pseudo-alarmist". This is the guy or gal who has hijacked the science for secondary purposes. Many of these people have political reasons that would be aided by convincing us all that business as usual will be detrimental to the climate, but in reality they just hate capitalism or society in general. EDIT: To be fair, the pseudo-skeptic is just as real as well.
  17. Not a lot of weather enthusiasts come out of warm areas, people live there because they generally like uneventful weather. Tornado ally being the exception.
  18. Marietta isn't exactly a climate change alarmist and he lives in a place that gets pretty much no snow. Doesn't Anthony Watts live in Southern California? I'm surprised you ask this question on AmWx itself, this board is probably 95% winter weather supported.
  19. Jeff Masters will do so... If he hasn't already, its coming soon. He's already blabbing about 1 in 1000 year flood. Next he will allude that the dice are loaded and this is less than 1 in 1000 year.
  20. Where is everyone posting over there. Its pretty dead from what I see. Is there a forum like this?
  21. We need another volcano. I'll put a purchase order in for 2.
  22. I pretty much consider Saint Louis "The South", way too hot for me.
  23. I wonder how much co2 we could keep out of the atmosphere by shutting down NASCAR? Good riddance.
  24. Is that real snow on the other neighbors yards or drift from your man-made?
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