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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. Better be careful, you're tipping your hand.
  2. If Day 16 models were worth looking at, I'd average over 500 inches of snow every winter.
  3. I think the answer is sequestration and synthetic fuels.
  4. Explain. If you think AGW abatement is going to lead to the downfall of capitalism, you are nuts. There will always be a segment of the population who uses their wits to achieve more wealth than others.
  5. I have to give TheGlobalWarmer one thing, his devotion to melting ice is amazingly unwavered.
  6. When boarding up your windows in 2050... use one extra nail per window to counter this wind speed increase.
  7. Like I said... There won't be a foot of rise in the next 50 years. I'm not saying to base any policy on my guess, it's just a guess.
  8. I'd error on the side of safety and start cutting back CO2... I'd rather see a carbon tax aimed at developing a way to remove the carbon from the atmosphere and stored. Anyhow, in 50 years I bet we don't crack a foot of rise. TBH.
  9. You mean like satellite arctic ice trend charts?
  10. AGW: More snow, less hurricanes. All good.
  11. December was atrocious. What caused that?
  12. Drudge has been pounding the heck of the topic recently.
  13. Considering AGW affects all weather, it's a claim that can't be refuted and that's kind of weak. The heavy precipitation claim has been disputed successfully before, when using stream bank gauges.
  14. I'll keep a keen eye on unadjusted USCRN data.
  15. If we rehash the same adjustments, that's revisiting the same topic over and over... not the case here. I have more on my plate than just staring at NCDC maps, I didn't chime in on the July 2014 changes previously. If they adjust the same data upward 5 years fron now, can I remark on it... or are we good now, can we call it enough or keep warming the same data?
  16. I'm going to keep my raw data and draw my own opinions from there. The NCDC is turning into an opinion based data set. I'm glad I have the ability and insight to quality control my own data.
  17. In 20 years from now I'll be looking at pics of my snowmobiling from 2005 and the snow will melt away like Marty McFlys family.
  18. Flash forward to 2020. "Man, I just came to terms with the 0.60 adjustment, now they are dropping a 1.0F anomaly for 2000-2010" Quote my for future timestamp validation, please!
  19. I'm not going that far... but sh-t man, I just had to come to terms with the previous adjustment, this one is 3x as steep. I have run decade averages and always came up with the 0.20 figure, where is this new 0.60 upward adjustent coming from? I just want to see the numbers.
  20. Are we discussing the 1998 change here? I'm discussing something that's popped up just recently. Can you highlight the reason why all sites were beefed up again just recently? My 2000-2010 period just increased more than 1880 to 1990 did previously.
  21. I'm not suggesting some conspiracy, but what exactly was the reason behind tripling my anomaly? My figures don't show that. This is one of the first times I ran an anomaly map since the new version became the main version. I'm quite shocked at the upward adjustment.
  22. Wow these colors are looking to peak soon... How high up is this?
  23. Here would be a better place to discuss and possible repercussions of a warmer world.
  24. I find trying to be efficient is gratifying. If I had the money I would put solar panels on my roof and possibly go to geothermal heating and cooling. Bought LED lights, started a lease on a Prius, it all adds up. My snowmobile habit is probably the most wasteful thing I do, but even so, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the auto fuel.
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