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Posts posted by Kay

  1. 14 minutes ago, mattie g said:

    Wait...we haven't even talked about the Welsh!

    Sidestepping the sheep topic, I've always been fascinated by/have fun trying to mimic accents and I just love Welsh-accented English! so musical and adorable.

  2. On 2/18/2022 at 2:48 PM, Kay said:

    So embarrassing for a weather weenie who consistently reads every discussion and statement and this forum:

    having to go outside in the middle of the night to secure an unsecured object :lol:

    Made up for this by perfectly timing a walk before winds kicked up :guitar:

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, SnowenOutThere said:

    Gets moderate/heavy snow to us. The H5 improvement was so good even I could tell it was 

    Snowen I know you've taken some heat for newb things at times but I just want to say, I can tell you have a sense of humor and perspective about yourself that will serve you well in life (and the board but you know, life more important).

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  4. 1 hour ago, Always in Zugzwang said:


    Cool!  Last weekend I came upon a pileated woodpecker.  Didn't have my longer telephoto lens on me, but I was able to get to within several feet of him, standing on a tree stump looking up so it worked out (plus some cropping!).  He paid me no mind and went about his business, I was able to observe him for some time and get a few shots.  Here's one:


    Wow, great shot. They're usually so shy.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

    Pics, @Kay, pics please! Here or in the Winter Pics thread!  :D 

    I've gotten into night time walks lately, and they're amazing. Sadly, night photography is...uh..not a current strength. Sooner or later I'll get out more in the daytime though :)

    • Haha 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, mappy said:

    Ooooo that sounds yummy. Thanks for recommendation! 

    So so yummy. Had to be careful not to drink too fast. I also thought the level of smoked maple in the Knob Creek was exactly right...there but not at all overpowering. The extra maple syrup really worked in this drink though :wub:

    • Like 1
  7. @mappy and other bourbon people, if you haven't tried it, Knob Creek Smoked Maple Bourbon is GOOD. Had last weekend at friends', they mixed w little extra maple syrup, lots of ice, lemon twist (I believe that was all) and it was so good I can't stop thinking about it. I usually drink b straight, this was delicious that way, too.

    • Like 3
  8. 22 hours ago, fourseasons said:

    Ah, yes, memories.

    The day before onset, ordering Thai takeout to last me for several days because if I was going to go out and shovel every couple hours (wasn't waiting until the end) I wanted some Pad See Ew.  And thinking bad thoughts about the plow truck driver even though I knew he was just doing his job.  

    It was rather peaceful being outside shoveling at 2 a.m.

    Snowed in with Thai takeout = Good Planning

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, IronTy said:

    Yeah we got jackpotted early on which is always nice.  According to NOAA I got 15" on that storm.  That's why you won't see me complaining for the rest of this winter.   I even see a little bit of green on my petunias....

    I've been amused/impressed by your petunia reports. :lol: I grew some from seed for the first time ever last year, and I knew they were somewhat hardy, but unlike any I've bought as plants, these  surpassed all expectations and kept going through multiple nights in the 20s.  Yours take the prize tho obvs.

  10. 1 hour ago, gopper said:

    It was beautiful!  My 11th grade son has become the amateur Astronomer/Photo Astronomer this year with new equipment.  He was able to capture the "Flame Nebula" in the cold last night despite the glow of suburban lights.  Quite amazing actually!  So much to see that we miss with the naked eye.  What an amazing universe!

    Indeed it was. Very cool about your son. Nature and the universe are always there to inspire if we look... (even when our yards are snow-free :lol:)

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