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Everything posted by Cashtown_Coop

  1. Where’s our Pittsburgh poster. Absolute rippage if that’s all snow
  2. I agree. You pick up shear and hail core contours etc. I do wish tier 1 had the 30 day radar archives
  3. My temp has tanked to 24 with the heavier band. I’m 24/22 mod snow
  4. Radar to sw looks sweet. It’s already dumping before the heavier returns are here.
  5. I have 2 stations I use so sometimes I average the numbers. I have a rainwise mkIII and a davis vp2
  6. Here’s a link to my cwop station https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/getobext.php?sid=E5637
  7. Looks the same. I’m going with Upper Strasburg for the win. There’s a retired CTP met that lives there and always reports in. He prob sees 10-12”
  8. I know it’s the hrrr at range but you can’t hate that look. http://mp1.met.psu.edu/~fxg1/HRRRNE_CUR/rloop.html
  9. Quick ob its 31/6 here. I love seeing the dews so low before the event.
  10. I have a St. Bernard that sets land mines and turns my snow yellow. Come on over and join the party.
  11. https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/# WPC really sends the juice. Southern tier hits the 1.5 to 1.75 range
  12. I don’t follow your area that close, did it lock on that idea for consecutive runs or was it a one run wonder?
  13. Thanks for the shout out Nut. What beer do you drink high life? Get a 12 pack set back and watch it snow. It’s coming for you !!
  14. How about the euro. It has been rock steady for 3 days now. When it’s locked in like that, I wouldn’t bet against it.
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