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Everything posted by Bruinsyear

  1. Just getting started here on Plum Island. The wind started to roar around 3 am, its been a very strong sustained wind, gusts not overwhelming yet. Maybe 1"-2" of snow, nearly impossible to tell. Tide on the island is not as high as the storm 2 weeks ago that was rain. Its no where near that actually. That SSE wind storm really drove the water into the mouth of the Merrimack last time, not as much of a pile up with the NE wind at least on this side of the island.
  2. 1 set of house back, long dune run in front of me but its not far from where the houses are getting comprised inside the river. House is up here, so I have no worry but I have front row seats. That last wind/rain ripper did some major damage. I watched the waves top the dunes.
  3. I pop up once or twice a year in these big events but always lurk. I'm siked this peaks during daylight hours. Its hard enough getting this big storms to materialize but have peak snow line up is even more of a challenge. Can't wait for tomorrow! Been with this group since Eastern days...best part is I am renting on Plum Island so I have front row seats to this one!
  4. Guys this is just an ERC, give it time it’s gonna make a run a major soon!
  5. Damage is rising …..hydrangeas are next
  6. A few hundred gallons of ice cream or gas left? I'd be very concerned if its the former....
  7. Not a lot of talk about Narraganset Bay on TWC but I feel like the funnel effect and Eastward Shift should be a concern on Surge at the top of the bay. Sneaky big problem with multiple tides stacking and astronomical high tides.
  8. This thing is as much a hurricane as Cam Newton is a good pocket QB
  9. How often do we have them around here? Seriously though. I'm not talking all time but Bob is one for the "ages" that was really the last legit storm here in EMA/CMA, besides Cape/Islands.
  10. More just a play on the fact that I haven't posted in ages, but come out for something like this. I agree, I don't expect too much from this storm. At the speed at which it approaches it will erode fast. A side from a few locations South Shore and Island most will be lucky to achieve anything on the low end of a tropical storm condition. Unless this ramps up well beyond current intensification forecasts in the next 24-26 hours. Even a major storm off the Carolinas will get gutted pretty good by the time it makes it here.
  11. I have not posted in ages, but this could be a storm for the ages. Anyone see the IR detonate the last 6 frames? Explosion, like a gravity wave....very impressive.
  12. First big coastal since I moved to Newburyport. Should be a fun one to watch unfold. Plum Island is going to get hammered with the high tide tomorrow. 2-4 Ft surge + astro high tide and 20+ foot surf! Tides been high last few days even without a storm.
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