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Everything posted by Isotherm

  1. Tony, this will be my call for 90F days: Going with an average of the 1986/1957/2004/1994 90F day analogs. NYC: 13 LGA: 15 EWR: 19 JFK: 8 Slightly below average season 90F wise. Think we'll see a lot of elevated night time lows again with countless days in the 85-90 degree range.
  2. Yeah 2007 was very warm - green leaves until early November. Looks like the 90s are in the coffin. I'm finishing with 16 days here, basically normal.
  3. I always get a kick out of images like the above. You're taking the period 1990-2000s and comparing it to the notorious cold cycle -PDO/-AMO of the 1950-1970, thereby skewing the anomalies much warmer than they should be. The comparison time frame should have more years inclusive of a warm cycle (or at least partially - maybe 1950 to 1990) if one is looking to achieve accurate anomalies, but that is not the case.
  4. I have a different categorization and think you can create more groups. Extreme alarmist: 100% human induced Alarmist: > 75% human induced, < 25% natural Denier: 100% Natural Skeptic: > 75% natural, < 25% human induced Middle of the road can be broken down IMO. High end Middle of the roader: 25-50% naturally induced, 50-75% human induced Central Middle of roader: Around a 50/50 split for natural and human factors Low end Middle of roader: 25-50% human induced, 50-75% naturally induced So 7 categories total.
  5. A couple days too high on JFK, couple too low for EWR and LGA, NYC very close. For my backyard I'm at 16, so I'll need 1 more to hit my call dead on. Not bad if I say so myself (somebody's gotta do the patting). I know Sacrus made a very good call for NYC and EWR as well.
  6. Day 16 for me yesterday, and I'd wager probably the last until next year. So a finish right around normal for 90F days.
  7. NYC's pretty much been on par with EWR and LGA highs recently since the dry period began a few weeks ago. Like TTN, I'm also stuck at 15. No 90s for August so far. Let's see how long it'll be. I'm pretty confident we'll see at least one or two more days through mid September.
  8. Peak of averages is this week William. It's all downhill from right now.
  9. Assuming Saturday's 90+, that will make 15 days of 90F for me. High thus far was 96.4 today.
  10. Today was number 9 for me. Could have 7 consecutive, from today through Saturday, which would put me at 15 on the season.
  11. This is the type of regime where EWR and LGA will break away from the pack in terms of 90F days. I had 3 from 7/5-7/7 and the past two days have been mid/upper 80s. Tomorrow looks like another borderline day.
  12. Agreed. Looks like today blowtorched right to the coast. JFK put up an impressive 93. Also hit 93.2F here. 84.0 right now! We'll see how high we can keep temps tonight. Pool's at 87 now with these warm minima.
  13. First official heat wave of the summer for most will be 7/5-7/7.
  14. I've got a feeling (that tonight's going to be a good night) Central Park will be pulling some 89F highs in the next several days given the enormous amount of rain lately. We may see a few days where EWR tops out at 92-93F and NYC is 89F. Going to be close.
  15. Eeesh, TEB is ridiculous; starting to become the new EWR, hitting 90F with such ease. I hit 86F early on then fell into the low/mid 80s by late afternoon.
  16. I hate when I'm this close and don't make it. 89.4F so far today. All I needed was 0.1F more for the official heat wave. 91 Monday, 91 yesterday. I was 87 Sunday.
  17. Wow Unc, you're tough with that A/C. If I followed your > 70F minimum policy, I'd only turn on the A/C about a week a year.
  18. I see a maximum of 85F in the park.
  19. 91 here, probably would've made 92 if not for the anvil clouds.
  20. Day 3 of 90F+ here. Most sites fairly close thus far. NYC pencils in 3 consecutive 90s. We'll see if they keep neck and neck with EWR this year. I'm thinking an average summer temp wise, my guess for 90F days would be the following. NYC: 15 EWR: 22 LGA: 19 JFK: 11 IMBY I'll go 17, which would be lower than the past 3 summers.
  21. Here's our calls from back in May Tony. I was close but you darn near nailed it. Props for those numbers. I thought I would've had NYC on the dot but this week messed it up by a couple.
  22. That New Brunswick number is also very impressive in comparison to surrounding towns. I've got 21 days, just 15 miles or so SE of NB.
  23. Agreed, especially at our latitude, where we have plenty of borderline 90F days, a mere 500ft elevation change can make a big difference. For example, Allentown PA averages 16 days, at an elevation of 390ft. Pittsburgh PA, at about the same latitude as CNJ but an elevation of 1200ft, averages 8 90F days. So I'd say that folks at 700-800ft elevation in the hills of NNJ likely average around 12 days as you said. 500ft probably around 14. The difference is pretty significant w/ a 500-1000ft increase at this latitude. IMBY, I only hit 84.4F today with clouds from 12pm onward. 21 days of 90F thus far; we'll see what tomorrow can do. Looks like many close-calls in the near future. No extreme heat on the horizon, continued muggy and stormy.
  24. The spread between you and I continues to grow exponentially... 21 days of 90 here.
  25. Yeah, I would say most are averaging around 18-23 days of 90F so far, only the hottest places are approaching 30. I'm at 20 here in CNJ. PHL I don't count as our area, and EWR is the only NYC station above 25 right now. When taking NYC, LI, SW CT, NNJ, S NY, and CNJ into account, we're probably around 20 days, with the coolest locations close to 10 and the hottest near 30.
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