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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. On election night what drives me nuts is when they project a winner with less than 1% of the precincts reporting. Same thing in the model threads...
  2. One thing I would say about consensus is that Roanoke and Blacksburg are consistently the jackpot. I think that means something that has never waivered
  3. It speaks volumes that New England is still watching this storm
  4. I think the only reason I say it is because there are still shifts back South after the north runs. Sure history says there is still more room to move north but man there have been way more consistent south runs vs north ones. I'd like to see 12z show some north consistency today. I'd gladly be wrong for a little more north movement....as I look South from my deck I have room
  5. Boy that should scream for a nice 12z run today you would think but look what the gfs did at 6z...feels like to me we may be seeing the northern and southern side of the storm envelope with the real bullseye to be figured out now. Of course anything coming from me is just anacdotel and not analytical
  6. You're never going to make it to Sunday...be careful before you break your fibula
  7. I'm never one to want to steal someone's snow but I'm thinking a lot of people are going to get a ton of rain. Of course we will be grilling outside while its raining there but still.
  8. Admit it...you can't spell where you live
  9. Sure does look like Rowanoche is ground zero
  10. Why exactly do we long track storms again?
  11. I feel bad for Ji the most...he has worked so hard for this storm.
  12. It's all fun and games until it isn't
  13. And he's probably north of Baltimore
  14. People don't know your definition of MA is a line from Roanoke to CVille to Richmond
  15. Just me but the euro needs to be in the same ballpark or this just doesn't feel all that great even with time still
  16. Only one model now gives us snow basically now that Canada f'd up. Time to see what the HIV3 gives us
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