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About rimetree

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Portsmouth, NH

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  1. The deer flies and mosquitoes were a problem in June but have really been cut back with the dry conditions. Actually enjoyed dinner outside on the patio for the first time this summer and had no issues. Perfect weather with a light sea breeze too.
  2. Just dumping right now. This was the sky about 25 minutes ago.
  3. .04 today, .66 MTD yet the dews have been relentless. The only use for this is sitting on a deck by the ocean with a cold drink. 77/75
  4. Avoiding the rains with precision this month...have .01 so far. Exposed areas of the yard definitely crispy now. 76/75 misery dews.
  5. 83/72 off a high of 86. Caved to the AC just now after running around getting BBQ and grill stuff done. Thick out there. Happy 4th!
  6. One of those days when you can see the clouds growing...some nice crispy cumulus now. 80/65
  7. Nice winds in that warned cell earlier but nothing crazy. Finishing June with 4.15" with some measurable on 14 days this month even though it felt much drier.
  8. No problem getting some yard work done in this weather. Overcast, breezy and in the 60s. The heat will be back but it almost feels like we've had our highest temp of the year already.
  9. Just got clipped by that cell over Eliot/kittery
  10. First heat wave in the books, maxed at 97F today. Some lightning and rain this evening but nothing significant. Picked up .2 for the garden so that's good.
  11. 96 for the high. Back down to 90 now. My parents in their 80s finally caved to letting us install a couple of window units.
  12. 91/80. Thinking we'll gain 2 or 3 degrees over yesterday's high...90 minutes ahead of yesterday's initial 90+ reading.
  13. 79/74 dewy night. High of 91 today.
  14. Nice cell dumping...Market Square Day danger
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