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Everything posted by jburns

  1. Hope you don't think I am perving. lol I'm getting back into photography after a long hiatus. I've been finding face shots to practice on to regain my Photoshop skills. I thought you might like to see the quick glamour treatment I gave this one. Not much resolution to work with but it still turned out fairly well. IF THIS CREEPS YOU OUT, MESSAGE ME AND I'LL TAKE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY
  2. If you like the way the weather is this coming Friday and Saturday, you are a fan of the Southeast ridge. It is my second favorite winter feature. Snow is number one. But if it's not going to snow, it might as well be nice enough to enjoy some outdoor activities.
  3. I'm sorry, I have standards. Until you get that red tag here you're just, BrickWest to me.
  4. It's never been that long for me, but I still enjoy it.
  5. You look great! Oh by the way, the whole country thanks you. Mexico has overtaken the United States as the fattest country on this half of the globe, CBS News reports. With a 32.8 percent adult obesity rate, Mexico just inches past the 31.8 percent obesity rate in the United States, according to a study released last month by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization.
  6. I agree. I've seen weaker ideas make fortunes.
  7. It's Scooby Doo not scoopy doo. Unless your walking him in NYC of course.
  8. To be rather than to seem. Cicero To be or not to be. Shakespeare Do be do be do. Sinatra
  9. I didn't know that because I didn't want to know that. Sent from my Alex Bell crank phone using whatever the hell I want to use.
  10. There are no moles in space. Sent from my Alex Bell crank phone using whatever the hell I want to use.
  11. I've gotten scars in a lot of worse ways. Lets risk it.
  12. Not a problem. I asked that question three days after my attack, much to the embarrassment of my wife.
  13. I believe your bullfrog is a leopard frog.
  14. lol Not only that but it messes up the calendar.
  15. A good way to cheer up. A 24oz extra rare prime rib.
  16. So when my mother used to tell me that the men in white coats were going to come and take me away she was talking about someone like you?
  17. So now we have burgerschlontz. Sounds like something you might find at a Jewish picnic.
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