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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Flash flood watch day #4, once again nothing more than a brief sprinkle. Picked up .05" last night to bring the day's total to .15" and "event" total to .65". Brings my total since July 1 to just over 3". Good times.
  2. Drizzle. Barely even wet the ground.
  3. Watching and listening to yet another storm as it slides by me, this time to the east. It's absolutely incredible that this weeks setup could be a bigger fail than last weeks' "epic" event. Yet, amazingly, this has done it in spades. Absolutely ****ing pitiful. A moderate 20-minute shower yesterday evening that dropped .5, and a 3-hour drizzle fest this morning that gave me .1". I've had a 3-day flash-flood watch and every day I watch points east and west get pummeled while getting jack.
  4. .1" over 3 hours, and now the sun is out. Beware the flood.
  5. Rain has been less than a mile west from me for at least 6 hours. Barely a drizzle while it has poured nearly non-stop a stone's throw away. The next batch to the south has already formed to my east. This ****ing place.
  6. I could see the lightning from those storms.
  7. Picked up a whopping .5" yesterday evening over a 20 minute stretch. Not a drop overnight. This stretch of I-81 is safe, Jeb. Except maybe from dehydration.
  8. Forget the rain, just give me some clouds. Terrible forecast bust. 10F hotter than forecast, no rain, barely even any clouds all afternoon.
  9. Not a drop last night. FFW issued today. LOL.
  10. Perfectly centered between areas of rain to my east and west, again.
  11. It's not over, 'til its over!
  12. Picked up .50". Not bad, but the ground truth was weak sauce compared to the radar. Lots of yellows, oranges, and reds as the line came through, but it didn't live up to that. Best part of the day was the wall-to-wall cloudiness. Always a treat, but even better at this time of year.
  13. Didn't someone post that FDK has like 54 inches so far? The differences in precip to points just east is mind-blowing. Of course, if you are 30", I'm probably at 20".
  14. Lol. You'll get that in a half-hour Monday afternoon.
  15. .03" Another soaker. Glad to see Baltimore finally ending thier rainless streak. They were due.
  16. It's rained here for the past 2 hours and I have almost 1/2-inch. Good grief.
  17. Eventually sprinkled. Heavy rain wouldn't budge eastward until it got north of me. As I write, it is raining to my n, s, e, and w. PWS about 1 mile west of me shows 1.13". I got 0.
  18. Amazing to watch the rain literally steer around my yard. It is pouring, literally, 200 yards from me, and not a drop over me.
  19. Line of developing storms oriented with the flow. Of course, just to my west. Am staring at the very dark clouds, watching the rain pass harmlessly by.
  20. Managed to nickel and dime my way to over 1" today. Better than nothing. Get the grass greened up a bit, at least. Brings event total to just over 1.5", or about 10" less than the region median.
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