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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. That looks like a track that would have kevin asking Will if dynamics might send him back to snow while Pike north got pummeled.
  2. So I list a set of snow tires on Craiglist for $100. Some guy responds whether I was "looking for $ or to trade". I told him I'd trade him the tires for $100.
  3. At least temporarily. We're putting Pit1 on the market so I'll be moving out of here to keep it clean and pet-free. I don't expect a quick sale, and we won't be making another purchase until we do. So, I see little chance of not being up there the entire winter--perhaps longer.
  4. Does the back impact your riding? I'm counting on a NNE winter this year.
  5. Man, those SST's are going to be causing some early season angst amongst the coastal plain.
  6. Quite the changes, Steve. Focus on the positive: every 6 hours being able to pour through a new set of model runs. We expect in-depth assessment and accurate forecasts for each event.! What a beautiful storm that was for Mitch, Pete and myself. 24-30+", powder from start to finish. I remember I posted soundings for the Pit, and Gynx saying "man, that's showing you snow big time". We did wait quite a while for the next event that winter--long after that one had melted away. This. The NFL blows now.
  7. Looks like the dank day we had through the early afternoon managed to turn into a rainy one/evening. Meanwhile, sky was clear in Marion.
  8. My progged high of 63* is a bit elusive; only 54* and 2:00pm.
  9. So sorry to hear about the skiing, Steve--but super glad about your recovery. As far as 02/03 goes, I can't remember years. Can you help a brotha?
  10. With the house going on the market, I don't think any fires are going to be lit here in order to keep it clean. Expect I'll be up at Pit2 before the end of the month.
  11. Meh--overdone. A guy from work lives in WY--just posted a video of the snow piling up on his car.
  12. Dumping leaves this morning. Noticeably less sun-blockage from the trees. It's getting that feel.....or at least that look. 46*
  13. I love how the picture of one of the sets of snow tires I'm selling is in the screen shot. Both sets are still available, btw. $100/set
  14. The false cries of drought in the Northeast will be muted until May.
  15. This adds appeal to my upcoming residence at PIT2.
  16. Fun times in store! Have you considered simply raking in seed rather than hydro-seeding? I've heard there's a lot of weed-seed in those products.
  17. Be careful of what you wish for. Keep that November-February drought at bay!
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