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Posts posted by ChescoWx

  1. LC is one of my all-time favorites! Really enjoyed his time on Philly TV - he is missed.

    That said he has had some rough longer time forecast challenges the last couple years....the only sure thing is this December will be much much colder than last year!! How is that for going out on the proverbial limb??

  2. Nah...no towel just mentioned the oh Canada Model that if true (which he did not believe) then troubled times ahead. Of course all that said....this year is far from a slam dunk for either cold or warm. I know you are a traditionally negative guy....and you could be right. But with no clear signals either way -the most likely outcome is a fairly normal winter. But a lot of the youngins will think a normal Philly winter of 22" of snow or a normal winter of 36" of snow out here in the NW Philly burbs is somehow a disappointing winter....they don't understand climatology.

  3. JB post after the Euro run today...

    "First of all the Sunday night and Monday system is gaining more snow making prominence on the Euro. By Monday morning, that is about as close to I-70 and north as one can get for a call from Tuesday. And lo and behold we have a low cutting under the block and causing more interior northeast snow, and effectively what was supposed to be the big southerly surge in front of monster storm pulling up in the lakes So by Thursday morning this is a pretty good amount of snow for the first week of December. So I think we could fill into the coast. The arctic front pushes and the energy coming around forms a storm that runs to the Mid-Atlantic coast as arctic air comes in. Why not. How many a week ago thought this situation Sunday night into Monday and the system out of the southwest had a shot at all this. Yes I see the threat in the 10-15.. It may be there. But don't miss what could be a lot of challenge for snow lovers before. Good way to get a December to Remember as I think it will be, started. Heh at least the chance is there

  4. Final Winter Forecast update from the Weather Bell Team

    "largely follows the evolution of the ideas we have had since summer. That included a later start, but updates began to stress the cold up front, which is obvious now. So we have Colder than normal winter for much of U.S. from the Plains eastward Forecast relies heavily on our analogs, the WeatherBELL Pioneer model and the path we have been on, which has been largely correct since last spring.Our snowfall forecast is relying on the cold to produce both Lake Effect and large scale storms over the interior Northeast. The big news is that the core of the heaviest snow is back to the northwest but the big cities should be above normal anyway.The forecast is cold because we feel the cold options will either fight to a draw or win most of the time. This would leave warmth making appearances, most amplified in the Southwest and extending across the South. The feedback of the season, now that cold is coming into North America, is arguing for snow and cold to develop a partnership, as it's the right time of the year for that. In terms of other winters and the potential that is on the table, our forecast is tame, though most certainly at odds with any warmer ideas out there"

  5. Per JB this AM on overall winter forecast....he sounds a little concerned me thinks!!

    "There is no sugar coating the implication of the Canadian model

    Our forecast is out and looks nothing like this, and if it is right, its as bad as it gets a rerun of 11-12 and even a bigger debacle for me at least I had not

    spent 6 months forecasting it to be cold. As ugly as it gets"

  6. From JB at WeatherBell from this AM

    "The 6-10 is cold, it gets colder again in the 10-15, but there is a warm up on day 10 in the middle and that could be our first storm that can not get all the way to the lakes, but instead runs to the Ohio valley and is forced to be handed off further south cause of the western atlantic trough. Just like early this week I kept pounding away at the overwarmed period for this upcoming weekend. ( One more reminder in case you forgot.. 12z Dec 2 from days out was supposed to look like this)  would look for that system that is in the southwest to kick out and then shear out through the mid-atlantic states. Instead of a storm running up to the lakes, we get a flatter wave with ice and snow down to I70 in the plains and perhaps all the way to the east coast when that comes out. Lets see if we can pick that out too...But the bottom line is using overall methods certainly whipped the models for yet another weekend ( next weekend) and now lets see if we can play with the period around day 10 to see if using the large scale ideas can help"

  7. I love Glenn....but just like JB has a cold bias....Glenn has a warm bias. That's why it is best to take a cross section of all the great professionals out there Like JB/Glenn/LC /SD and even the crazy man from Richmond.

    That said for Glenn to have a minus 2 and and normal for January is a good sign for those of you that are rooting for a cold winter....should be interesting. Looks like a fast start to winter in December - enjoy!

  8. JB at WB update today shows the pattern developing according to the WB forecast....says this December will be very different from last 2 years.  Says snow will be on the ground from interior mid-atlantic through plains come Christmas.

    I have been telling all my friends/co-workers that it is a stone cold solid lock that this December will be colder than last year!! How is that for sticking my neck out there? Of course last year was the warmest December ever....so not such a stretch!


  9. WB Team has updated their Winter forecast with headlines as follows:

    • Extreme cold December possible ( 1 to 3 degrees below normal over the Northeast including the PHL area)
    • Analog technique favors back and forth with leftover colder than normal January/February
    • Still relatively high uncertainty
    • Swath of above normal snows over Pacific Northwest to western High Plains and in the Great Lakes and Northeast
    • Texas, southern Plains and Southeast look milder
      • Core of cold should stay mainly to the north

    The WeatherBELL team has settled on the strongest analogs of 1966-67, 1983-84 and 1995-96 with 2013-14 double-weighted and single weights to 1960-61, 2005-06, 2008-09 and 2014-15. The pure analog is colder, but to adjust for modeling that is warmer and a more modern climatology, a degree was added across the board.

    The Verdict

    A colder and snowier winter is on the way for the Great Lakes, Northeast, much of the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic, with warmth centered in the West. The warmth could also extend across the South. There is a danger of major cold from Thanksgiving to New Year's. As far as later in the winter, we will evaluate that as we get closer. Given the worry about December, it has been made the coldest month, with some backing off in January. February is bound by a greater uncertainty with how far out it is.

    Overall in terms of the last 8 seasons, this would be the fifth coldest out of the eight. The worst case it could wind up in the top 3, though. I seriously doubt it would be warmer than the warmest three.

  10. Haz there is really no one quite like him....fascinating guy

    He is a joke.  Just stop pumping him up already.  The very southern tip of NJ see 4-6 and you call his forecast as "verifying"? I, too, am LMAO at JB's claiming of victory.

  11. Exactly! I enjoy his thoughts.....he always can see the way to big snow or storms.....his long range ideas are usually pretty good to identify model weaknesses etc. However for a real forecast I just go to the NWS

    I completely get it with him. Boring forecasts don't sell. By hyping everything up, it gets him page views and subscriptions.

  12. Correct - he has not backed off on no more "big snows" but is again saying today with a couple more snow events he sees from DC to NY with 10" to 15" more snow before the season is over - so no blizzard type events but maybe a 4" plus or 2 so a couple moderate events remain on the table

    Thanks Paul...
    This is what I was referring to ^^^

  13. Hi Snow

    I must have missed that one - but he is talking east coast storms but stressing nothing like the blizzard. So I am guessing he means nothing major just a couple of run of the mill potential noreasters - does that sound about right with what you heard?


    Paul, not sure if you can see my posts, but I continue to question...
    Is he back peddling on his prior blog of "no more big snows for the east"???

  14. JB highlighting the early march timeframe with the more favorable NAO for an east coast event....thinks this one will not go west of apps like last couple. Sees a similarity but stresses not a forecast like the blizzard. Sees same southern branch weakness that Euro falls this far out....says winter not over - despite what many here believe (not saying he is right of course!)

  15. From JB at WB today


    "pattern setting up a southern jet under blocking for much of the coming month. Any shortening of wavelengths could mean big storms like you see now. given the trough should be near the east coast the first 15 days of the month, it would be there that we have the best chance for phasing but expect plenty of cold and storms or at least rumors of them for much of the nation from the southern and central rockies into the east as I dont expect the wild warm shots out of the southern plains, relative to normal, to show up from now till at least mid March, As reluctant as winter may have been to come, you may find it that way to go. I have may reasons, and have tried to lay them out for you in systematic fashion, When I say 5-10 days before I expect to see a big SOI crash to initiate something, the crash occurs, I am going to be awful stubborn backing off what I think the large scale result of that crash is"

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