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Everything posted by penndotguy

  1. 33deg. and cloudy it sure feels and looks like it should be snowing. Cmon old man winter show us what ya got
  2. .39” so far, 57 overcast no precip for the last hr.
  3. What a pathetic winter, I mean I’m at 2.75” but it took 3 flizzards to get there, and none lasted 12 hrs on the grass. I just knew it was over after 1st week in February. I just hope next season we cash in we are long overdue.
  4. Nope, if it shows snow it’s a trap don’t get caught. Rain or mixed is the safe bet
  5. Wash, rinse, repeat. as many have alluded to the writing was on the wall in December, even with an Epic pattern we still fail. the trends are hard to ignore.
  6. 35f/dp32 with mod. Snow and sleet grass and walks covered
  7. Well I threw in the towel after the 1st week in February and it’ll be there till next season. What a ratter of a winter it’s been not even 5 days in a row with bn temps at any point this season. Maybe severe season will not disappoint.
  8. I remember little to no snow winters I’m 57 and I can’t remember a January or February quite like this. This many 50+ degree days has as to be some sort of record no?
  9. 62 for the high today and currently 56 on February 9th. I’ll check back in March.
  10. 39f still some white around albeit not as much, looks like a colder drier period starting next week around Wednesday.
  11. 41F/DP39 with light drizzle, total snow 2” looks nice out there if only for a few more hours. I sit at 2.5 for the season so far
  12. 27F/Dp25 Cloudy skies waiting on the biggie of the season
  13. I’d take that look and run with it, the rainiest works this winter
  14. 37f and Cloudy shocker I know, anyway it seems forever since we've had a WSW that actually verified 6+ in a single storm. Pinning our hopes for a snowy February might be the last gasp however it seems to always snow to some extent on or around my Birthday the12th so we shall see, until then enjoy the cold rain Maybe next winter will be our turn. GO BIRDS
  15. I fully expect that 1.1 line to be West of Berks by tomorrow
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