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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. For sure. You can jump a train in the 'Port and be in the city in 35 minutes. To Boston, probably takes 2.5 hours. That's one of the main drivers of a demographic's metro allegiance.
  2. Usually I say it in response to something my wife has done, but it holds up well here. "If aliens came to Earth and saw us doing this, what would they think? For sure, they'd turn around."
  3. I think the majority of us folks west of Rt 8 associate more with metro NY. East of that, you get the New England/Boston association. At least that's how it plays out with sports.
  4. 100%. I'll admit it. I don't GAS if Boston gets 2 feet. I want it in MY backyard. And when it doesn't happen, I don't feel any happiness. Just being honest.
  5. A really stupid population is what keeps really stupid private enterprises going, rather than causing them to fail. (And government run agencies are no different, probably even worse in the sense there is no incentive.) I'm all for private. But it becomes hard when you have a population of idiots. Freedom requires intelligence. Otherwise, we get massive government intrusion to "take care" of the idiots. And we're all negatively affected by that.
  6. That Cantore should be popping up shortly. Look for the big fans and water cranes.
  7. Yes, the Ash trees tend to be "road liners" as well. My neighbor runs a tree service company and he said 50% of the power line damage he saw last year was from the diseased Ash trees. Gotta get them down.
  8. I'm seeing a fetus or a guinea pig.
  9. I just moved to Bethlehem at 900' from Woodbury at 475'. Totally different type of snow here, and impossible to measure. It blows so much, it degenerates into little crystals and forms very dense drifts. So it looks like I have a dusting in front of the barn, and 4' along the side. Meanwhile, down in Woodbury, you'd measure 15" everywhere you went.
  10. 12.1" Woodbury. Western CT. 9" one town over.
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