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Posts posted by wxsniss

  1. Finally for Fella / SR Airglo / SBosWx and others in Boston metro... it's been like watching paint dry for improvement in flake size for past hour but we are finally tasting the edge of the meat... she's fading but there are solid 30+ dbz returns... at the rate it's moving, this looks healthy for next 1-1.5 hours at least

    H7 fronto:


  2. 18z RAP run gave Boston area another 4-6"... that band, though less robust, looks decent and will deliver. Intensity and flakes already improving. 

    When all is said and done Boston area will probably end up 11-15"...  nothing to complain about... is great by Sunday's expectations, and only by yesterday's 20"+ runs does it seem like a bust


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  3. 12 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    A big weenie salute to everyone still on line now 

    Yeah... let's relish this. The season's big one incoming. And trending better the closer we get. This is it, the thrill that keeps us coming back.

    Wish there was more we could nowcast... timing delay? Surface low location? Diving northern stream? Prolonged duration? I haven't found an obvious parameter to correlate with impact on the various model runs tonight, probably because the stream interaction later this morning is so complex. But regardless, the unambiguous net result in the model output is getting better and better. 

    Gonna force myself to recharge a few hours to enjoy the fireworks. Get some rest folks, gonna be a wild day tomorrow.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    Dude, just extrapolate the RAD....that death band looks to camp out between 128 and 495.

    Maybe... but I don't think it's simply extrapolation of current radar... the entire system retrogrades northwest with northern stream pull later Tuesday morning, and that is gonna be critical for the bigger totals.

    That critical aspect can't be extrapolated from radar, and that's what I'm trying to see if we can nowcast.

    Gonna be a thrill of a morning. You staying up all night? I'm thinking of recharging for a few hours.

  5. Honestly hard to find something to grab onto to help us nowcast this in the next few hours

    Such a complex interaction aloft, and at the surface the exact location of the low does not seem to correlate with impact... at least within the next 6 hours

    For example by 12z Tuesday morning, the GFS is actually more northwest than the NAM...

    Which makes another point: GFS qpf distribution is complete garbage. I'm confident in leaning towards NAM/RGEM/HRRR/RAP at this point over GFS. Also easy to get lost because it's infrequent, but Euro steadily ticked up for 3 runs in a row.



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