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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Could be a rare May flip to a -KWO.
  2. lol. As if it looks worse for NJ than here.
  3. We're due for a shiat May and torch June.
  4. lol...try to twist those maps into something warm and pleasant.
  5. The obs had 32F all during the day until late afternoon...probably warmed to one of those 32.6F deals. https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KORH/1977/5/9/DailyHistory.html?req_city=Worcester&req_state=MA&req_statename=&reqdb.zip=01602&reqdb.magic=12&reqdb.wmo=99999
  6. May can correlate if the blocking is extreme enough.
  7. 1.5 month temp anomalies don't tell you much, but the next 2 weeks could easily give you that -1F leaving the following few weeks normal to above. I've already conceded May through mid month. Of course, we're talking a d46 2m ens mean which is equivalent or worse than a d16 op prog.
  8. Ah...the admiral of arctic. The next couple of weeks look meh, but I'm not too worried about 2m temp anomalies of -0.3C over the next 46 days. Give me some consistent westerly flow/high pressure and sun by mid month and those temps would be nice.
  9. Nah. Trough axis west. Just cool with dews.
  10. I don't think I've had a BN May since 2007 and I think that was barely BN. We've had some nice ones recently.
  11. We're due for a crappy May
  12. All in fun Steve...we win some, we lose some.
  13. Have you been outside the past 2 days?
  14. Heh...looks like the IR light never kicked on for my sky camera which explains why it was seeing light on the horizon versus the usual foreground.
  15. Nothing really going on, but there's a really strong red glow through the overcast to my north. MWN is socked in too so no AURBO chance there. Maybe it's just some strong red light scattered through the low overcast, but I don't recall ever seeing the northern horizon lit up like this on my cam before.
  16. MEX has 83F at BDL Saturday...not sure an 87-88F would be a huge MOS failure.
  17. I think MOS is low. SW flow may taint the heat along the s coast and iyby.
  18. I'd take those numbers up. Wouldn't shock me if some torch spot pulled 87-90F.
  19. Yeah...muted heat up here, but Saturday could be really hot down there. Looks like 12-13C up here on the GFS. That'll still be warm.
  20. Looks like a good drink today. Just when the basement dries out we get another incher. At least the lawn is enjoying it.
  21. I'm surprised NJ didn't kill it sooner.
  22. Decades of painstakingly splitting wood. There'd be no time to worry about QPF.
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