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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Wachusett is going to try to open this weekend... They made a little snow, but that will have mostly washed away today. I'm guessing they can reverse that soon enough and are hoping that Thurs/Friday pans out
  2. Your time will come. What you lack in number of marginal events you will make up for in some thundersnow coastals
  3. You got your luck in Feb-March 2015 That was a lifetime of luck
  4. Yeah... I was (half) kidding. Last winter (I think) we had a bus in a neighboring town slide into a house due to winter conditions. No injuries. A few years ago a friend of ours lost a daughter and almost a son due to icing on the way to school. Enjoy the snow day and skiing! I love it in that area,
  5. If ever in doubt, school districts (and parents) should err on the side of safety. Busses in God's country have chains and AWD, correct? Or are they all tracked vehicles now?
  6. ORH at 4.94" mtd through yesterday... tack on another inch or so... Also +1.5F
  7. That's what I am thinking for my hood as well. Nice little event to start things off for SNE. Fun to track and glaze eyes over weather models. I do miss the weather.us stuff though
  8. Rocktober... We had a small event a few days before... today's storm is providing that up north. Then many of us got destroyed, nice cold air to work with before. I don't see anything even half that potent but sort of reminds me of the run-up... No way will I get 22" of powder, or even half, or a third of that.
  9. Probably enough for 500,000 outages...could be higher
  10. I would expect a BOX map later this afternoon? First one of the season other than the probability ones I think
  11. It really gets going once it leaves Texas...love that look
  12. I would take that...even with the warmth at the end. Prob won’t happen like that but would be nice for mid Novie
  13. Yup...some transition to ip or something for me for a little bit, but we take
  14. Finished raking and leaves (I hope). Put away pool filter stuff...trimmed some branches...good day for it. RIP Stan Lee
  15. I’m pretty sure that is what they meant. We used to have ours serviced in August, then it kept creeping outward. I was able to get a service scheduled for today which was good since I was not working. Now it’s rescheduled for the day after Thanksgiving which works as well, although we have guests staying over. oh well...
  16. 21.4F. Coldest of season. Was supposed to get the furnace cleaned this morning. Service company called and had to reschedule. They blamed the cold weather causing issues for customers... Really?
  17. A sloppy inch would seem possible for a bunch away from the coast. Then it rains
  18. Does he have the highest elevation in New England on this board?
  19. Speaking of knickers, has Brother Ginxy been heard from this weeketh?
  20. https://weather.us/model-charts/german/massachusetts/significant-weather/20181116-0600z.html
  21. Def more positive than I was thinking but his reasoning and knowledge are infinitely more vast than mine. Impressive
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