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Posts posted by amarshall

  1. All four of us positive during Christmas break. Wife mild symptoms. myself and kids asymptomatic. Our entire town is positive right now.  Wife and I vaxed. Kids not. None of us boosted.  This was our booster.  We've also had just about every variant there is.  My friend unvaxed 50 year old. Very mild symptoms.  He's also had all of the variants. 

    2 days after my negative test got a sinus infection I'm dealing with now.  Way worse than covid. 




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  2. On 12/3/2021 at 3:20 PM, PhineasC said:

    I also ski with 4 small kids of varying confidence levels and it's a lot easier for me to handle them all on a nicely groomed, predictable trail. My one son and daughter will go off on the edges and ski bumps and weave in and out of the trees with no issues (they also sometimes go in the glades) but my other two kids really just prefer reliable groomers right now. BW also tends to not be too icy. Cannon is so bad with the ice. We had to stop going last year, every day was bad there with ice. We ski every day so it wasn't just a fluke either; I went to Cannon about 20 days last winter. I think skiing there is a battle of wills thing for people; they want to say they were able to "defeat" the mountain. Obviously they have a loyal following of people. The "living legend" or whatever. LOL legendary ice maybe. I had the kids up at the summit at Cannon a few times and it was just never fun. We made it down fine (my kids can all ski any blue trail and most diamonds with zero issue) but it was us vs. the shit conditions the whole way. BW had the best conditions day in and day out for the kind of family skiing we are doing. It's a long season so we will be back to Sunday River, Cannon, Attitash, Cranmore, Wildcat and maybe Mt. Abram over the course of the season. 

    We started at BW because we always found snow there. We'd drive by a bare Attitash/Cranmore/Loon/WV to get top to bottom runs at BW.  Most times you'd hit Cannon and it would start dumping.  For a true skiing family, I think BW is the best beginner mountain for conditions and terrain.  By age 10 my oldest had outgrown the terrain and we transitioned to the Loaf. He's now off on his own at age 12 at the loaf.   We go to loaf exclusively because of the similar conditions. It's a bear of a drive for living south of Boston but worth every minute spent there. 

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