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Posts posted by hazwoper

  1. It is NOT a free market when government subsidies,( i.e your tax dollars) are assisting energy companies with renewables. All these "BIG OIL" companies which are demonized want to do is make money. That is all they care about and this is what they should care about. If  government subsidies help them make money they will develop renewables and you and I will pay the price....higher energy costs. If we decarbonize our energy sources it will be more expensive and punishing for the middle class and downright evil for the poor. The BIG OIL companies still make tons of money. Its the middle class scleps like you and I that foot the bill and 3rd world nations that suffer the most. This is all over a trace gas that has very little influence on the climate. This will go down as the biggest scam in the 21st century which ultimately will lead to more worldwide poverty and with that environmental destruction!!! Ever see the treeless country of Haiti??  Check out google earth sometime...this once was an island full of tropical rainforests....just look at Dominican republic which is not as poor they still have some tropical forests left.   Such fools...  



    Wow, talk about a "fool" if you believe BIG OIL isn't subsidized.  Also, renewables in many parts of the country are now CHEAPER than fossil fuels.  You need to do some research.



  2. Posted this in the Renewable energy thread, but figured this thread might have some more thoughts?


    Ok, ok....anyone care to comment on this little study? Solar (if used at a large scale) changes to climate could be worse at a regional level than the global mean? I am confused as heel now (although I did see they mentioned the reduction in solar energy due to incresed cloudiness due to enhanced hydrolgic cycle of warming (something I mentioned several years ago on this forum).



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