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Everything posted by TalcottWx

  1. Ray, I gotta say, congrats. You finally got your death band. I can't lie, I was being a b*tch earlier. So close yet so far from something epic here. I'm happy that you cashed in of all people though. You certainly know the feeling. 30" was a hell of a call too. You were out on the skinniest limb with that one.
  2. That's exactly what I just reported 5 minutes ago.
  3. Compress them first on a free website redownload and then attach
  4. Anyone have a report near the BOS area... I'm looking to submit a report and want to hear other numbers before I do.
  5. Can BOS people and surrounding suburbs please forward me their snowfall totals. Even if estimated. Thank you.
  6. Great band. Wish we got into it earlier. Feel asleep when it was pixie dusting.
  7. Seems like it's bonkers time for E MA now. We'll see how it goes.
  8. Seems like the band is picking up momentum, right on time to minimize accums in the east.
  9. Just checked outside again. Just pixie dust for now.
  10. Radar appears to have improved but it's honestly barely snowing
  11. Seems like might end up with 15"-20" not too far from us. Had 8" at 11:30.. Still an amount of heavy snow to move through.
  12. Sure did. I sold myself otherwise even though I thought radar favored ORH last night. I was being delusional.
  13. Maybe the back end will make up for the early and peak disappointments
  14. 197,956 Including 98% of Nantucket. Which is not good.
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