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Witness Protection Program

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Posts posted by Witness Protection Program

  1. I'm just amazed that The Weather Channel is actually still covering this.  Small victories, I guess.  They're infamous for bailing no later than midnight central.  I remember them switching to Nose Picking Ice Truckers reruns as the Jefferson City, MO tornado was churning through the city and the on-air mets were visibly shaken by the devastation they knew was taking place.

    • Like 2
  2. 29 minutes ago, MNstorms said:

    There was a concert that started at 7pm. Not very smart to not postpone. 

    According to multiple posts on twitter, these were "Death metal" bands named Morbid Angel, Revocation, Skeletal Remains, and Crypta.

  3. 26 dead in a major tornado outbreak last week and I couldn't find a post, much less a thread, about it on the Southeastern board.  Tenn Valley might work, but it seems like nearly all the tornado coverage in MS is a carryover from further west and thus a continuation of threads here.  Might as well make official what has evolved in practice.

    Nothing wrong with Carolina people focusing on the Carolinas, GA on GA, etc.  But moving might clear up some confusion that may have limited posting when someone scanning couldn't find a thread or even activity in an event and didn't think to check the Central/Western States board (LOL).  "Central/Western Time Zones Board"?

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, wncsnow said:

    I'm sure it has happened in history, but I can never recall a storm crossing Florida from the Gulf side then turning back west into SC/GA or NC after entering the Atlantic. 

    Massachusetts hit is more likely.

    54 minutes ago, NYC10023 said:

    Wish everyone would spell “fort myers” correctly 

    there’s no additional E in myers

    Except the Urban part

  5. At the ongoing gov's news conference the FL Emerg. Mgmt director said the NHC just told him they now forecast a landfall near Venice late Wed afternoon with 125mph winds.

    Edit:  For clarity the gov asks the director who confirms that it will be the 11 am advisory.


    53 minutes ago, CheeselandSkies said:

    Meh. The usual disclaimer about never wishing death and destruction on people, yadda yadda...

    However, I'd be lying if I didn't say that guaranteed fish lose of some of their interest for me, even satellite-photogenic high-ACE ones like Sam from last year. It's the days of nail-biting as the models windshield-wiper from New York to Corpus Christi and back, the hype on the Weather Channel, Morgerman nerding out on social media and agonizing about where he's gonna go, etc.

    LOL.  "Of course I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I get real excited at the possibility of someone shooting a gun into a coastal crowd", posted from a state safely far away....

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