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Everything posted by Jaguars

  1. Snowing pretty hard in Soho. Not sticking obviously .
  2. Have noticed that western ridge consistently deteriorate on the models. Has not helped downstream. Thanks La Nina. What a horrifically lame winter. .
  3. How quickly everyone forgets that the Euro has been an unmitigated disaster this year .
  4. It’s like the Wall St permabear always calling for the imminent crash. Yes they’ll eventually be right, but what’s the opportunity cost in between? I guess it’s fun carrying an umbrella when it’s sunny just to “be right” a week later. .
  5. Right. That was my hunch, seems a bit miserable and eager to spread it. .
  6. So NAM/Euro/Ukie/HRRR/CMC vs GFS. I’m liking our chances. .
  7. You seem pretty militant about it. Maybe it’s time for a drink. .
  8. Would be our luck in a winter of dreadful inland runners and cutters to have the final bullet be from an OTS .
  9. Agreed. If we’re going the wrong direction on this run suite it’s fat lady time. .
  10. Could really use that western ridge to be stronger .
  11. Trends are our friends. If Euro holds serve coming up that will certainly be a positive sign that this one is the real deal. .
  12. I think you’d sign on the dotted line for 4 inches right now at CPK if you were a betting man .
  13. Measured about 2 inches in the backyard in Larchmont. Looks beautiful but kind of surprised it wasn’t more. Guessing I missed the band two overnight. .
  14. Backyard covered in Larchmont .
  15. Ripping in Larchmont. Sticking to pretty much everything. Down to 34 .
  16. Radar presentation looks fantastic. I’m impressed. .
  17. Coming down at a good clip now. All snow .
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