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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Pools have been opening up across the region. What a heater.
  2. Yea no doubt we will end AN. That was never in question.
  3. Congrats on your morning jogs in jackets and mittens.
  4. Heat is on. Thanks for your big EC ridge torch month predictions.
  5. 44F and cloudy with a breeze. We warned them but they installed and seeded anyway.
  6. Yea. Faster does not mean better.
  7. Teenie weenie little burgers…
  8. Yea but cloudy/showers tomorrow then 40s next week and a cutoff system next weekend. I don’t think we torch after that either, moderate to AN sure, but the pac looks ridgy especially AK in the LR.
  9. What a beauty day. Wish it wasnt turning south…
  10. You can always find work if you own one too but when I get one it will fit in my garage lol. You can’t be anal about a clean truck like ditty but always have it out in those dangerous elements he’s constantly facing. The high winds, scorching heat, crushing severe, major ice storms, and snowy winters must be tough on a truck outside.
  11. He can’t even fit it in his garage. Me man, me need big truck to drive girls to soccer practice and to take up two parking spaces at electric blue.
  12. Yea…we know you admire authoritarianism.
  13. The Delusions in Tolland index…adjust the warmth downward from Mar-Oct.
  14. It just may since it’s next to the bay, okay.
  15. Just been a lot of cloudy, rainy, and breezy days so the heat has stayed on. Today is nice, 56F, but still a far distance from 2012 vibes.
  16. Agree. It hasn’t been warm at all. Lots of cloudy and rainy days so far. The next couple days will feel nice though, finally.
  17. deep winter look late month, enjoy.
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