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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Back into the freezer shortly thereafter. Sucks but sustained spring is far away.
  2. We are getting buried with blowing leaves.
  3. It’s all pac driven. Until that turns favorable, more of the same. The nao is overrated. It can help, sure, and is useful for buckling the flow but when the jet is crashing BN heights into LAX, that never bodes well for us. Your turn to pick btw…
  4. It’s very tough for some to comprehend this when they’re dead set on pushing their delusions.
  5. 5day avg. I thought you were better than this.
  6. 5day avg says warm kitten inhaling too much delivery truck fumes:
  7. Window units being kicked out of bedrooms east of the Mississippi.
  8. What a weenie pattern on the horizon. Wish this was 30 days ago…
  9. He’ll be snowing again before he plugs in his window units.
  10. Geez, what a weenie pattern shaping up for the second half.
  11. Yea…a climate model that doesn’t need an excuse to print torches.
  12. So thankful everyone installed early.
  13. Winter patterns seem to be two months behind schedule recently. March/April were once Jan/Feb.
  14. Agree. Normal is the new below normal. NoP favored post 3/15 for a cutoff bowler.
  15. Yea that’s how it looks. Very Far from a march 2012 torch and just far enough from a SoP snow potential.
  16. Now we’re putting pauses for 7 days lol.
  17. Thankfully the biggest totals are EOR so we happy and can congratulate them.
  18. Brutal. At some point we have to dry out and heat up..right?
  19. We should not look at them and use our visions instead.
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