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Everything posted by bobbutts

  1. Yeah, maybe rate each factor 1-5 (freshwater flood, surge, wind) and take the highest one.. There's no perfect way, but not accounting for the deadly effects is a mistake imo.
  2. The category system is the worst. Surge should be the most important factor in rating a storm since it's the killer.
  3. Evacuating sucks too, I can sympathize with people wanting to ride out the storm at least away from surge prone areas. Need to stockpile food and water and gas though.. One thing that people don't think about is after the storm your car may be damaged, the roads may be impassable and stores/services my not be available.
  4. As long as you are safe from flooding and have a half decent "safe room" it isn't crazy to stay and experience hurricane winds.
  5. Lots going on in the core of the system. CDO looks to be expanding and becoming more symmetrical, but the coldest tops (whites) are now confined to the southern half of the storm vs. wrapped all the way around.
  6. Maybe I'm forgetting but I don't recall seeing a storm with that satellite presentation before. What's the deal with the fingers of cooler cloud tops oriented straight out from the center?
  7. I think he meant the other kind of model, like
  8. It's even crazier at the Home Depot after a storm hits. After Charley I had a contractor/friend do my roof, and he had his life threatened by someone trying to scam our shingles from him while picking them up at the depot. Good luck with this one down there, hopefully the track stays to your north (unless you want the storm).
  9. Yeah, I burn through quite a bit of gas on my lawn tractor for each mow. It would take really expensive battery pack to provide that kind of power. The other thing that would turn me off is storing the thing, I leave my tractor in an unheated/uncooled shed all year. It's not good to subject batteries to those kinds of extremes.
  10. Tracks from previous runs going up the Chesapeake or towards NYC seem to be lost.. Really high number of hits vs. misses for Daytona-Hatteras on this run with 0 direct hits North of ACY.
  11. Living in FL for several years there were tons of storms that appeared to be a threat in the week+ that never made it close, and FL has a much better chance based on climo. A direct NE impact is always a very low probability at a week out. Right now we are in the game at least, a storm lover in this area can't ask for much more. In terms of preparation, if you need to start preparing a week out, better get started right now.
  12. GFS looks like it does a slow roll up the coast from ACY to the Cape with no actual landfall. Then an extremely anomalous change in course towards the south where it eventually starts intensifying again, way out in fantasy range for this whole scenario though.
  13. Looks like I'm pretty well lined up to get whatever is left of the TOR warned cell.
  14. The 98's I picked up seem like a good compromise for all conditions you might encounter in NE. If I didn't like to snowboard on legit powder days I might be interested in a wider ski.
  15. Couple of good looking cells there. Currently raining really hard, seem to have missed out on winds and hail here.
  16. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md1222.html
  17. Same here, probably even less for winds.. Free carwash was good though.
  18. Here's a radar frame where it was over 93. Time stamp is 05:17:41PM
  19. Couple more, wind got too strong for the drone after that. Last one looks like it's too fast for the shutter.
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