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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. Have my sons first bday Saturday glad we picked a indoor spot..
  2. Good storm heading towards Connecticut with some rotation;
  3. Could always get a severe gust from a tropical system
  4. Never realized how far west I can see from here that storm is just entering the Berkshires..
  5. Watching a pretty good lightning show to the west..
  6. My aunt lives in Walpole nh going to message her to see if she got anything... She lives on county Rd..
  7. Sky to the west is getting dark think we have a pretty good line of storms soon
  8. Few streets from my work in Ludlow is showing 4.77 on wunderground and I believe it.. the rain was crazy
  9. Incredible amount of rain at work in Ludlow... flooding was nuts driving home... Doesn't seem like we got nearly as much here at home though
  10. The lightning part is pretty cool ... Sucks that people got hurt though
  11. Most EPS members have over 6 inches of rain the next 2 weeks.. some are even over 12.. we flood
  12. Ery light rain with the sun out just missing to the South.. another storm looks to be building to the northwest
  13. Euro and GFS ensembles soak us with a boatload of rain..I don't think it's west.. you will get your dews for sure!
  14. Few storms around today.. Tuesday looks like a soaker, then starting next weekend the deluge starts
  15. Still seems small this thing was almost double the size..
  16. Thank you Adults Grow from 0.25 to 0.35 this thing was almost an inch long.. it's almost like a lady bug mated with something much bigger than itself
  17. Anyone know what the heck this is.. it's about an inch long and has a lady bug body with long antennas.. my neighbor found it in their pool
  18. Up to 84.2 dews also climbing... Miserable heat is here. I was kind of hoping to break a 100 tomorrow but think we will be just shy.. I hate the heat but if it's going to be hot let's atleast break some records..
  19. Might go over 3 if that stuff in Eastern NY holds up.. my pool is full and some of the water started coming out of the top of the filter... Filled it last week wish I waited..
  20. Had a good amount of rain here.. the grass is happy
  21. That storm kicked butt... Good amount of rain had some good gust and tons of lightning!!!
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