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Posts posted by StormfanaticInd

  1. 18 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    As far as the summer, I think it can be a semi-normal one if we play our cards right.  Will it be exactly like 2019 in every way?  No, but the situation will be better than we've seen.  

    By fall, we will be dealing with the competing influences of a very large percentage of vaccinations and seasonality wanting to take us back up.  I would almost bank on an increase in cases as we get to fall/winter because it will be hard to entirely defeat the seasonality component, but it all comes down to how much.  Kids may become an increasing driver of spread since they will be the least vaccinated... of course the protocols in schools will play a role in that... will masking still be required in school, etc?  I'm not sure if vaccinations will have started in the 12-15 year old age group in time for the fall 2021 school year, but they almost certainly won't have started for children under 12.

    Hopefully we can get all the kids back in school this fall. Vaccinations will be key


  2. My prediction for the United States is we will get this under control by the summer but variants will most likely set us back some this fall and winter. Its conceivable this could repeat itself over the next couple of years but hopefully getting weaker over time

  3. 28 minutes ago, Wmsptwx said:

    Is there much information yet on the vaccines ability to protect from P1 variant? This seems to be the most aggressive variant yet in terms of death and younger people being very ill.

    I really hope that is does or else you have a perfect storm brewing with all the spring breakers

  4. You really hate to see this. This is being caused mostly by the p1 variant. It should also be noted that Brazils population is 212  million which means they are doing far worse than we did at our peak. Not good folks

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Chambana said:

    Typical liberal. Because CNN or MSNBC refuses to acknowledge a border crisis, you take it as a conspiracy theory.

    I am neither. I am independent. I just want whats best for America. Politics is destroying our country which is greiviously sad. We have taken common sense issues and made it all liberal vs conservative. I HATE POLITICS :angry:

  6. 7 minutes ago, Chambana said:

    Spare me your outrage, seriously it’s getting nauseating at this point. I’m sorry, I’m not generally outspoken on this board, but you constantly call out Americans desperate for a sense of normalcy, but have yet to acknowledge the free invitation, open border policy of your president Biden. They have pods or cages running at 800% capacity, promising millions of illegals amnesty, shoving them into the general population of the United States, with no COVID testing. 

    Everything is political now, I can’t even watch a sports game without politics being shoved down my throat from woke athletes who are fanning their outrage over shit they don’t even know what they are talking about. Lebron James promoting moving the all star game over voting laws, laws that require a ID, and that’s racist? But yet, he supports a communist, genocidal regime in China. It’s comical. 

    And getting a vaccine is a personal choice, why should you need a passport to determine what you can or can’t do? Maybe some are skeptical over a vaccine rushed out in 9 months. You are acting like this virus is pushing mankind on the brink of extinction. 

    The damage we have done from lockdowns is going to be devastating not only economically, but to our kids academically and socially who have been shoved in their homes and isolated with “E learning” because the teachers union wouldn’t return to work, but that’s ok, illegals are getting in person down by the border. 


  7. 14 minutes ago, schoeppeya said:



    4 minutes ago, dta1984 said:

    Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me :P


    5 minutes ago, schoeppeya said:

    They don’t. Lauding their faux moral superiority makes them feel important. Why would they want that to end?

    The proof is easily available to anyone willing do the research but you people can't be reasoned with. The truth is staring you right in the face folks

  8. 4 minutes ago, BigHoss said:

    Prove it.

    Just because it doesn’t fit the doomsday narratives that you seem to get off on doesn’t make it true.

    Again - it’s hard believing that some of you ACTUALLY want life to return to normal with posts like these. Seems that some go out looking for the worst news possible to justify their “new normal” anti-social lifestyle. Scary almost.

    Trust me, I want badly for this to be over which is why I have been encouraging those on this board to get vaccinated.:D

  9. 12 minutes ago, dta1984 said:

    You would think we would hear more stories like this from Texas or Florida where there are no restrictions. 

    It is well known that Florida is hiding the real numbers and texas may be as well

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