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Posts posted by StormfanaticInd

  1. 3 hours ago, frostfern said:

    Long range is really really boring though.  Might as well live in Scotland.  Just hope this blocking nonsense doesn't last into May.  I'm afraid climate change is making boring blocking patterns more common just because the arctic is warming faster than the midlatitudes.

    I agree. It is undeniable. Springs are not what they used to be here in the OV. 

    • Sad 2
    • Weenie 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Wmsptwx said:

    The vaccines are going to end this, and there will still be straw men being built saying things aren’t opened up. Get the vaccine, and things are pre pandemic normal. Period. We won’t have to even have these conversations.

    Get the world vaccinated and this is over. Mutations from unvaccinated parts of the world will be a huge threat until that happens 

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Chambana said:

    Truth hurts?

    Obviously that would not be ideal but we are going to have to accept the possibility that things may not get back to normal fully for a while to come. It's unfortunate but we have got to come to grips with this possibility. I still believe this summer will be much better overall but not fully normal. That won't happen until the world as a whole gets this under control and we are a long way away from that happening 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Chambana said:

    I say we just keep the country locked down forever, keep printing trillions upon trillions, and never let children have in person learning ever again. What could go wrong? 


    • Confused 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Michigan hospitalizations are at November/December levels.  You would expect not as many deaths in the upcoming weeks as last time, but it's still a shame to see this happening.


  6. 8 minutes ago, mattb65 said:

    I don't know about anyone else but my social media has had a noticeable increase in people getting their vaccines over the past week. The vaccination trends for the next few weeks will be pretty telling in terms of how much vaccine hesitancy is going to be an issue.  If we continue to see 7 day averages pushing over 3 million shots a day or higher then we're going to have no problems with having enough people vaccinated or immune from infection to hand herd immunity.  If it levels off or starts going down I'll be concerned. 


    In addition,  I am feeling confident that nationwide we are probably approaching a peak in the current plateau in cases and that the rate of rise in Michigan is slowing down and will hopefully start to turn in the other direction in the next week or two.  I attribute these changes to the states raging a critical mass of 30-40% immunized which is enough to cause cases to decline given the current precautions people are still doing. Just my view after looking at the data and trends, I could definitely be wrong. 

    I would feel much better if the world wasn't so lit up right now with this pandemic. It is going to require a global effort to truly get out of this fully 


  7. 3 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    Just continues to get worse in Brazil 


    This is the equivalent of the United States having over 5600 deaths in a day. Something else to consider is a lot of these deaths are young 

  8. 59 minutes ago, nwohweather said:

    Couldn't agree more. We're talking about an education here, that's one of the most important things for a young person. In addition, not many have the luxury of working from home daily so what are they to do with childcare? It's a damn tough spot all around the longer this drags on

    The quicker everyone gets their vaccines the quicker we can be done with this. It really is just that simple folks

    • Like 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Probably a combination of more variant spread, pandemic fatigue, loosening restrictions and being a northern state without consistent summer type weather yet.  It's almost like they are their own country with the amount of spread happening there.  I wouldn't think their daily case average could go that much higher than it is currently, but then again, I wouldn't have thought it would get to this level (they are not all that far below their fall/winter peak in cases) so I have some humility when making that statement.

    14 minutes ago, Stebo said:

    A lot of it is because of the schools and in person learning. I would end the year now otherwise it is going to keep going like wildfire.

    32 minutes ago, dan11295 said:

    It is pretty clear at this point they are not going to attempt pullback of their opening. They are basically going to rely on the combination of increased vaccine uptake plus spring weather as their mitigation. Crossing fingers that this peaks soon there.

    47 minutes ago, nwohweather said:

    Serious question here. What the hell is going on in Michigan? How is it spiking so bad but only within its borders?

    This really puts it in perspective how bad Michigan is doing. Really mysterious how Michigan is surging like this.  Were there any big events in the last month?

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