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Everything posted by MuddyWx

  1. My criticism on the HRRR was about rates / QPF. My bad if that output isn't considered reliable for a meso within a few hours, I didn't know. HRRR was printing out ~0.2" liquid between 2 and 4 pm for I95 NW of boston (Malden, Arlington). This whole area has been in light precip or no precip for that whole time. I think that's a fair comment, and not just saying that the model sucks?
  2. I'd sell those 6 inches with everything i own
  3. BOX put out 6-8" for my hood and I don't think I'll hit 3". Just didn't go as modeled in terms of rates for this area
  4. yea it's been wrong. every run after that was also snowier around boston. never sniffed out the patchy precip and extent of the dryslot.
  5. it's been wrong all day in this area :/
  6. Not sure what guidance was seeing with the rates. Radar is mostly light / spotty
  7. it initialized the low and rates way too strong, so i'm skeptical
  8. snow back to solid rates again here. winds also picking up
  9. quite the dryslot.. didn't think it would extend so far north/east
  10. RAP looks really nice for NE MA this afternoon/tonight
  11. should really crush here from now to 8pm
  12. snowing hard, huge flakes. surfaces coated
  13. you should get a foot.. GFS really likes your area rest of event
  14. yup, been snow in wakefield for 15 mintues.. but white rain
  15. just starting to flip.. will flip later than i hoped
  16. cc on the steady move south.. maybe a few flakes mixed in, but mostly rain. 38F
  17. main area of lp looks good.. don't think this pinwheels back into NE MA like some models had overnight
  18. Pouring rain outside of 128/95 in Wakefield. 39F. Hopefully flips sometime around 11am
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