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About Als23

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  • Location:
    Maggie Valley 3200'

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  1. Looks like dry slot in the morning. Dependent on the comma head wrap around.
  2. Can confirm mostly sleet past hr+ here in Maggie Valley.
  3. Can't recall an afternoon temp below 10. Early 2000s remember it only got to 12 with a few inches snow on the ground.
  4. Got to 12 yesterday morning. Don't expect much for the weekend. Probably a cad and I always have warm south winds inversion when we have cad envents.
  5. About a half inch here in Maggie. Never know about the NWF here. Might be done. Might get more.
  6. Hey, y'all! Don't forget to use the mPing app. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mping/id584383400 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.ou.cimms.mping
  7. Not a fan of heavy wet snow. Cost me $4k 2018 for tree removal. It was fun as a kid. Not so much these days.
  8. Jason is awesome but he takes a missed snow forecast way too personally! Check his fb. Southern mtn weather is unpredictable.
  9. Where I'm at we hardly ever gets ice. Even when it's forecasted the south winds will wake me up middle of the night and I know then inversion is happening.
  10. Oh well. No generator. Have a gas wall heater and ordered a phone bank today.
  11. Usually in CAD situations Maggie warms up over night with moderate sw winds. This could be a different sit than usual. Wait and see. Cheers
  12. It can happen. I remember mid 80s walking on rafters trying to get a house dried in. Freezing rain for few hrs then the trees started falling. It was like incoming fire. We were like 4.5k ft so probably weakened trees from acid rain. There was no wind just frozen precip.
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