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Posts posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. 25 minutes ago, magpiemaniac said:

    And just when we’re starting to dry out, too.  I was getting tired of toweling off my dog’s paws after he came back in.

    I'm in the same boat. My fiancé and I had to buy wet paw wipes. Our mudroom is living up to its name! At least the ground has been frozen for a few days so there's been some relief

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  2. 7 hours ago, TARHEELPROGRAMMER88 said:

    I have a feeling that Feb will deliver a few board wide winter storms. Just a feeling.

    It's completely a guess but I feel the same way. At least they are showing several coastal storms or late bloomers in the Mid Atlantic. Cold is an issue (haven't heard that before). We still have a lot of winter to go but man, I haven't seen many runs in the last couple weeks even in fantasy land advertising a single flake for Raleigh. Hard to keep hope alive while burning through 2 months of prime climo relying entirely on a month that has let us down so frequently...

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  3. I love how some of the talk in the Foothills/Mountains thread was mocking the doom and gloom from the main thread when they were just able to squeeze out a couple inches of snow on what was forecast to be a dry day! If that ever happened outside the mountains, I would never bicker again. Haven't seen a flake this winter!

  4. 58 minutes ago, BornAgain13 said:

    I'm not giving up just yet. The cold is coming and at some point hopefully it links up with moisture...


    39 minutes ago, wncsnow said:

    On the plus side its going to be in the 50s and 60s again next weekend 

    These 2 posts back to back just cracked me up...

    Ahh, life in the Southeast

    • Haha 1
  5. Haven't thrown in the towel yet but darn close to. Chasing storms 10+ days out only to have them turn to rain storms (and not even borderline ones) has taken the wind out of my sails with this "Pattern Change." I will, however, enjoy some winter-like days next week before we warm up and rain again

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  6. The rain on Saturday looks to have pushed back to Saturday night. Also went from over and inch on the GFS a couple days ago to nothing today. NWS sounded somewhat bullish on a large area of rain in this morning AFD. Will be interesting to see if they change course at this afternoon's update. Might actually get a dry weekend!

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  7. Back to bleak mood on here... Cold air coming and storm systems riding the southern stream. I'd be concerned if models WERE showing snow, the kiss of death in these parts. We have the #1 ingredient coming: cold air, at least seasonable or below. I'll take our chances with a storm in the next 10 days.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, mackerel_sky said:

    This cold looking pattern, is going to crumble like Clemson to LSU! The 30 game winning streak, and Trevor’s winning streak, ends tonight!

    With the odds and Vegas stacked against us, we will find a way to prevail and score a "Big Dog," just like when TL16 outduels Burrow tonight. This heatwave in Dec-January is akin to Clemson's escape vs UNC: looked like the sky was falling and the season was lost, but in the end, all it takes is one key play or pattern change, and you come out on top. Just like 44-16!

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  9. 0.24" overnight. Currently 66 with some sprinkles remaining. Looks like some big totals to our SW where that line of storm/showers is training. Got down to a chilly 65 last night. 65. For a low. On January 13th. That is not a typo. There are definitely glass half empty people but this winter gives credence to their perspective. I thought last year was bad. This is worse. At least we were sitting above normal snowfall this time last year. 

  10. Flip to a colder pattern continues to be well-advertised. As many have said, especially more than a week out, I would not focus on storm track. Just the presence of cold air and some southern stream energy means the players have left the locker room after a long weather delay (or more than 2 week gap between the semi's and the Championship) and are on the field. Now it's time to play ball. Hopefully we come out on top, like we ALL hope Clemson wins it's 3rd title in 4 years, except in this case the Title victory is something that whitens the ground and changes the mood on this board for the remainder of the season. Spot the ball!

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