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Posts posted by NYCweatherNOW

  1. 22 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    These big 50 degree or greater temperature jumps are becoming the new normal. But it looks like the Midwest temperature rise will beat us.


    Moline, IL just set its all-time record low in the -30s. By Sunday, they'll be ~80˚ warmer. Green Bay, currently hovering around -20˚, may flirt with a daily record high Sunday. Talk about a temperature lurch!

    They had the high pressure directly over head and were able to radiate

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    only problem there is that it looked like it was going to do that earlier this month and then went quickly into the COD and back to its favorite place this winter (4/5/6), if so maybe we could get a 2-3 week period of decent winter.    I had visions of 2 months of cold and snow with the Russian marching down the frozen Hudson, but alas it was not meant to be this year....

    You know what I thought the same thing but my father always told me that this year the only winter will get is February and early March so I’m going to hope he’s right. He always said January will escape the snow. He’s been right the past few years I should have listened to him. Let’s see though we’ll talk about this in 6 weeks

  3. 1 hour ago, HVSnowLover said:

    Right now the forecast is mostly plain rain so white rain would be a plus in this case.

    It’s going to mostly snow. It’s definitely colder than modeled and it seems that no models ever gets the dynamic cooling and evaporative cooling. Remember when the precipitation moves in its going to start as snow flurries. If we get enough instability from the low pressure, building up about 100 south of Boston we could have a mostly mix to snow event. Regardless it’s going to be interesting. This could easily overachieve, or not. 

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