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Everything posted by NYCweatherNOW

  1. If we can get that snow that’s around Albany to go straight south we’d definitely be good for 1-2
  2. Last round is the snow that’s hitting Albany right now is going to pivot towards us straight north to south. Should pick up another coating to an inch there.
  3. Anthony u got the radar image from Connecticut those bands that are headed our way look mean!
  4. Potential snow event for December 6th and 7th According to GFS
  5. Feels like a nor’easter out there very cozy night watching the Seahawks hopefully they get a W. Also plenty of snow to come around sticking on most surfaces now... approaching an inch I’d say!
  6. I’m jealous. I’ll admit it my 4-8 isn’t going to work but I’d take 2-4 in a heartbeat!
  7. Snowing moderately again and sticking, storm isn’t done did you guys see the radar all that snow that’s falling in Hartford is going to pivot towards us!
  8. And @enigma sorry buddy but Central Park did report an inch. I was in Central Park and I saw it myself
  9. This is why some people just reported rain. Watch and learn buddy
  10. There’s warm advection development going on just northeast of the Bronx. It’s going to come down the next 7-8 hours. Have faith guys the models are better than our radars, right now it started snowing again, it’ll get more humid and it’s going to come down.
  11. Redevelopment northeast of the Bronx. Watch the radar start blooming in the next two hours!
  12. It’s not over, the storm is reintensifying as we speak!
  13. I told u guys another blossoming of precip will happen around 6-7pm that’s when most of the accumulations will happen. Enjoy
  14. I still think we’ll break your half inch prediction. All the snow that’s by the fingerlakes will have to pass us and the precip by Boston! Still another 10 hours of precip here we just need a good four hours to get 4-6
  15. Guys calm down he precip is redeveloping from the Long Island sound and will be heavier by 6pm. The rates should in after 6pm. The real stickage is from 6pm to midnight where New York City should get the 4-6
  16. The only reason why it may not be low is cause right now City isn’t really accumulating because the ground is still warm, temps will drop once sun goes down
  17. I love this map yanks I think it’s spot on! Good job
  18. I’ve been saying they need to issue a winter storm warning here. This could end up topping 6 inches for Central Park once sun goes down!
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