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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. Liking garden variety odds over next couple days
  2. Rich folk love picking up dangerous hobbies, chasing canes seems p cool as far as they go. I'm sure he knows how to swim.
  3. all the snowbirds are still at their homes in waukesha
  4. Gonna get outflowed again tomorrow, temps predictably underperforming but dp pooling has been tops.
  5. carlaw with another good AFD, seems a nice addition heat wave gonna be just a single day above 90 here, no major surprise there though
  6. hoping for a right turner into the instability gradient tonight
  7. historic run that needs to verify even managed a couple here lakeside during last event where the headlines at?
  8. the gfs solution is pretty wild
  9. you answered your own question the amazon fires in particular are incredible
  10. denier profile http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/03/opinions/sutter-climate-skeptics-woodward-oklahoma/index.html
  11. bunch of deep thoughts, guys
  12. this melt season won't even make the top 3
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