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Everything posted by Climate175

  1. It kinda looks similar, but you and I know it's not going to look exactly like that 13 days from now.
  2. There is digital snow in some places N and W this run long range lol.
  3. I'm not sure where you are located, but If you are N and W of I-95, then that would be expected.
  4. I won't as I remember it's only mid-December and I-95 and East is not climatology favored to get big snow at this time. If you're at those expectations, you can't be disappointed. If you having high expectations of a big hit of snow, then....
  5. You can't rule anything out yet. Let's see what happens!
  6. Do realize we would be getting a decent snow a week before Christmas in our region if it is 6-12 inches and above. It's been a while since that happened, and we might still have the snow on the ground on Christmas Day itself with the cold temps.
  7. You'd think today was Feb 1st with the way things are going. Had to double check the calendar again lol.
  8. 12z GFS has already begun loading, let's see....
  9. Agreed. With the way things are going so far, why not.
  10. 12z Euro showing a coastal around Nov 25th/26th albeit warm look right now.
  11. 4 of the last 5 storms were subtropical at one point.
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