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Everything posted by Jandurin

  1. EVERYWHERE source: i have no source
  2. Yesterday we were afraid winter was done Personally, I'm okay with going back to normal hit or miss storms
  3. I believe they were all horrible years
  4. It's pretty amazing that even out to 384 there's just nothing but rain.
  5. It's been warm and I got stuck in a snowstorm in North Carolina at my cousin's house and it's not dry because it rains 1-7 times a week. Pretty okay compared to cold and dry.
  6. I like this winter better than last winter.
  7. Finally a post of his that I fully understand.
  8. all we need is a 400 mile shift and we could see a whole inch
  9. hard to do when every storm is a giant inch plus rainstorm remember last year when getting rain seemed hard
  10. I disagree with all of what you said. I got more than 1-2 inches in November. The fact is there WAS a significant pre-xmas snowstorm and the bullseye was south of us.
  11. Prior when? Because there was a pretty huge snowstorm just south of us not too long ago. And a snowstorm in November.
  12. I totally meant to write "before it's happened" lol my mind is broken. Also what about November snow. That was a pretty good snow.
  13. my 4 year old got a screaming hei hei from moana
  14. Can't thaw what was never frozen! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaw_(weather) http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~schultz/thaw/thaw.html Funny there's an actual wiki on this "January thaw" and also a debunk of it within the wiki.
  15. Not true. Every day that passes brings us 1 day closer to the epic snowstorm or summer. Whichever comes first.
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