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Henry's Weather

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Posts posted by Henry's Weather

  1. 52 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    fairly rare. It's actually not *as* rare to get EML advection here, however, to time EML advection say with a cold front approaching is what is rare...It's just so difficult to do. Prior to 5/15/18 the last real EML event I think we had was June 1, 2011. I can't think of anything in between those two...perhaps some puesdo-EML events. (My memory with this stuff isn't as good as it used to be :lol: )

    Thanks. More questions, not necessarily only aimed at weatherwiz: In my (limited) understanding,  EML air-masses originate from the SW USA and find their way here along a ridge with westerly winds usually? And they're characterized by dry midlevels and steep midlevel lapse rates? If this is true, and transport is usually due to a midsummer 594-ish mb ridge, I'm wondering why these events aren't that common. It seems like we get ridges like that a couple times every summer, and we see frontal passages maybe every 4 days.

  2. 2 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    Nope...probably not. Not in this POS summer. Stupid garbage patterns really. HHH garden variety t'storms...bullshit. One of the most ridiculous things ever. Just fast forward to the end. 

    At this point I'll just take some rain for the garden

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