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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. So this would be a Mon. Nite/ Tuesday deal if this gives a couple more bumps NW
  2. “So your saying there’s a chance”
  3. When someone sticks their neck out and puts a forecast and reasoning out over a week ahead of time. Much respect
  4. Unless ur transitioning, you won’t see me. I work at a women’s gym
  5. Cold and dry have not had much interest in this period zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz all clear thru weekend says Barry B
  6. Not Jimmy. He would talk about one of the Arctic short waves phasing with subtropical energy for 75% of broadcast and throw in a caveat this is probably not gonna happen and sometimes he gets a bit excited but he would potentially increase ratings for weenies 18-77
  7. If James was given a chance to broadcast on air
  8. I love cold December rains disgusting
  9. High sliding east....I’d take high holding tight
  10. I heard him say he leans cutter and mild sector for many next weekend, I don’t recall the overall December torch you speaketh of, but I was counting squats
  11. Lol I’m juggling bro good thing for airplane mode on cell phone and occasional cialis (for biggins)
  12. Popes post was solid who’s fretting ? Lol Gonna be a tuff week verbatim that gfs storm track is very similar to what we saw in Novie. Congrats CNE/NNE . A bit further south into CNE thru MHT corridor
  13. Believe me I kno most all the hills and elevations within 25+ miles of me, thou I wasn’t aware of the crotched rehab center did u record a measurement for the last snowstorm
  14. Solid advice he will wake up in a big pool of qpf
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