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Everything posted by LikesNaturesFury

  1. At the risk of being flamed for posting too often, I didn't see your post, Pike. For whatever reason I didn't get an audible on that one. Good night & sorry about my report.
  2. Wet snow, possibly with sleet (because you usually can't hear snow falling and I can very much hear the sound of precipitation). Cumberland/N Smithfiled RI. Good night.
  3. Is it supposed to be raining in RI right now? If this is supposed to be a big snow event here?
  4. Now rain with a random flake in Cumberland/N Smithfield RI.
  5. Flakes beginning in Cumberland/N Smithfield area of RI. Barely anything at this point - definitely not enough to accumulate. Basically a random flake now and then.
  6. This may not belong here. I'm sorry if it doesn't. But in my time here, I've seen people asking if there would be any job openings at the NWS. I just saw this in the news. http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/684905.pdf and this:http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/report-national-weather-service-meteorologists-‘fatigued’-and-‘demoralized’-by-understaffing/ar-BBBQ90c?OCID=ansmsnnews11 So maybe there are opportunities there after all?
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