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Posts posted by esullivan

  1. 9 hours ago, supernovasky said:

    This is actually the guideline I've been using to determine how to handle items given to me in the pandemic.


    - Mail goes into a quarantine container for 2 days (24 hours should be safe but I just make sure)

    - Plastic, if nothing is perishible inside, it gets quarantined for 3 days and washed.

    - If it's perishible like groceries, that's when I have my military operation, walk it to the kitchen, and do my washing, bleaching of surfaces I walked over and where the groceries sat, heck even putting the used grocery bags in the trash can, I spray bleach into the trash can that way when I grab the bag, the smell that you usually smell that has trash in it could have virus particles. I have my strategy for grocery deliveries down.

    - Clothing, cloth, etc gets quarantined for like 3 days and then washed on high temp. Make sure to spray down your dirty laundry basket in between.

    Basically do the same. Left the mail in a box for about 5 days - then finally looked at it and found 4 pieces from DC gov regarding the unemployment benefits I filed. Except I didn’t file so dealing with identity fraud for the second time. No one returns any calls from DC Employment office (know they’re swamped).  Bank notified and still have credit alert active from the first fraud attempt. Didn’t need the extra anxiety. 

  2. good luck - it's carmageddon 2 out there. took me 1.5 hr. to get to upper NW from Georgetown.

    definitely a different kind of shaking for sure, but when the bells are being taken up and down you have something more like a s wave than rhythmic rocking as they're all being done individually and not to a specific timing.

    this has been a pretty scary event I have to say. I am looking forward to getting out of here. I had suggested that we have dinner in town after he gets here but oceanwx said he would prefer to get out of DC and farther away from the epicenter. he's been feeling the aftershocks out there on the rock ledge at home...

    what do y'all think are the chances of the federal government being closed tomorrow since they closed today?

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