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Everything posted by RichmondTarHeel

  1. 6z nams and fv3 look real good for Richmond and Southwest, even a few double digit projections. Maybe some mixing issues towards the end of the storm, though.
  2. I'd bet good money that at the end of the day the jackpot is Boone to Roanoke to Richmond (maybe mixing in Richmond though). I just can't get on board with a NC jackpot. Edit (definitely some wishcasting involved as well)
  3. Idk man, the latest models have me about to pout over here in Midlothian.
  4. I mean, when all the Richmond and Southern/Central VA peeps see a bunch of "booms" and faces in every other thread, they don't complain about you guys enjoying your computer generated snow.
  5. I know using a clown map isn't a good indicator of trends, but to me it looks like it keeps inching North with each run.
  6. Two feet of snow in Charlotte. In December? I’m from that area. This has never happened that I can recall. I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m gonna bet on a Central VA to DC jackpot. My cousin Tammy in Hickory gonna get real fat and sassy off some bread and milk if she gets 2’ of snow.
  7. Nah man, there's gonna be at least a dozen storms this year where they are complaining about "only" getting 6" of snow while we are looking at a nice cold rain. Let them suffer!
  8. Coming down pretty hard where I work in Western Henrico County. At home in Midlothian, the ground is covered.
  9. Mulch turning white in Midlothian. Been coming down steady for about 30 minutes.
  10. Some snow showers moving through. Might be able to see a few flakes in the Richmond area
  11. Y'all still accept deck pics from peoples South of Fredricksburg?
  12. The new GFS is a great run for the Richmond area and NoVA. Would probably make this whole forum happy.
  13. My first Winter in Midlothian. I was afraid I was a little too far South to see much snow, but if this things holds true, it may be better to be more South. I'm sure the bread and milk won't make it past Wednesday. Better stock up now.
  14. 30"+ of snow in the Triad of NC. Exactly where we want the snowstorm to be at this stage, right?
  15. Now that I live in Richmond, is DT my best source for information? I actually live like 15 minutes away from the guy now.
  16. Y'all suck so much. Of course the year I move away from NoVa y'all about to get the snowiest winter on record. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going go to enjoy my non-caved roads.
  17. Now I know how the Richmond folks on this forum felt all these years. No idea where we fit into the conversation since the discussion here is so DMV specific. Also, sorry to the Richmond folks for bringing the snow curse back down South this year.
  18. I'm assuming that anything South of Fredricksburg is going to be a cold rain, right?
  19. I'm going to really regret my move down to Richmond this year. NoVA going to get dumped on all year while I'm fringed down here with some cold rain.
  20. There was some damage about a mile from my house from one of the Midlothian tornados, but my neighborhood is safe. Looks like more storms tomorrow as Florence exits. Would we get round 2 tomorrow or should those be more “normal” thunderstorms? Today was pretty damn scary.
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