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Everything posted by RichmondTarHeel

  1. got about a half inch on the deck. Really hope we can stay all snow for as long as possible.
  2. I'd hate to be a local met. Somewhere within 30 miles of Richmond is going to get 6-8"+ and somewhere within 30 miles is going to see nothing but rain.
  3. That's not a lot of ice. Means the euro thinks we just get plain old rain. A few degrees could make all the difference.
  4. You know what, I'll take my 2" and be happy with it. Insane that we're going to get 1.2"+ of liquid, but it's going to be wasted on sleet and fzr.
  5. Wow, I hope that's wrong. .5 of ice would cause a TON of power outages.
  6. Still holding out hope that we can stay frozen. I would absolutely HATE for it to be just a cold rain at 33 degrees. On the 12k name, the 32 degree line runs right through RVA.
  7. The Kuchera map is not good for RVA. It would be a complete ice storm.
  8. HECS in the DMV and a sleet/cold rain in RVA. The atmosphere must have developed dementia. Where’s its memory?
  9. Already returns (virga?) showing up in SWVA all the way to about 50 miles west of Richmond.
  10. 28/18 down here just Southwest of Richmond. My misery will be your gain more than likely. I'm going to battle till the bitter end.
  11. I'm prepared to be disappointed. Just hoping for a good period of snow on Saturday before we mix and ice up the joint. Going to hold onto a small sliver of hope that it's much colder than forecasted and we can hold onto the snow for as long as possible. This will actually be a fun one to watch unfold.
  12. Includes a lot of sleet, though. The good news is that it wants to jackpot the RVA area QPF wise, the bad news is that it's not all snow, and it's the HRDPS.
  13. Not looking good for us Richmond folks, especially when the 20-30 mile shift north happens in real time like always.
  14. Not looking too good for some of us. Might be a situation where Short Pump gets 6"+ and southside/mechanicsville get 2" and some rain. The 06 FV3 has almost all of us with low amounts and lots of rain. I'm going to hold on hope since last storm, the cold air was stronger than modeled. Even Norfolk/Williamsburg got in on the action. Hope the Rain/Snow line stays further east than depicted.
  15. Looking at the radar, it looks like we may see another round here in a bit.
  16. Just cleared the driveway. That’s some heavy ass snow! Glad I did it tonight before this freezing drizzle solidifies it. I wouldn’t even be mad if there’s a fresh coat on it tomorrow. Y’all be safe out there. Update your beneficiaries on your life insurance before you shovel just to be safe!
  17. I was hearing pings on the window. Looks like rimmed snow at least. A lull in the action now.
  18. Just measured 12”!! Here’s a deck pic:
  19. Looks like even that will be beat. Admittedly, I was keyed into my backyard in Midlo, but I remember seeing runs in the 15-18" runs (including sleet). Regardless, I'll take all the snow I can get.
  20. Pretty big bust for the NWS in the Richmond area, right? Just yesterday we were only under a WSW with a 3-6" estimate. Today they've upped it to 4-8" and now finally 6-10", but several places are already at 9-10" with at least a few more hours to go. I'd imagine the majority of the Richmond area sees double digits.
  21. HRRR looks to add another 3-6" for our area. It's not even done yet. It does have the mix line right over us, but it's going to be close.
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