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Everything posted by WhiteLawns

  1. @CT Rain @weatherwizcan you point me in the direction of some links or books that explain the development of severe storms/supercells/tornados?
  2. Wow I think we’ll barely crack an inch. Congrats lol.
  3. Ummm. No returns over me and this is the best snow I’ve gotten out of this storm...
  4. Idk what’s up. Torrington has terrible snow growth and only like 1/2 inch on the ground.
  5. We have like 3 on the driveway here in the torrington area.
  6. Radar looks like it’s getting really showery out to the west.
  7. Just about 3 inches will do it in torrington.
  8. Huge flakes. Started about an hour ago. Have an inch otg. Torrington ct
  9. Can anyone give me a roundabout estimate of end time in Torrington ct?
  10. Does the nws hedge on the conservative side? They are still saying 6-8 inches on their map for Torrington but everyone else’s maps give us way more.
  11. Wow! Seems like you’re rising super fast!
  12. You’ll probably be spot on here in the torrington area. We have about 1.5 otg and probably another 1.5 or so to go before the changeover.
  13. Are those areas of sleet moving up the river valleys? That’s kind of cool if that’s the case. I see it with the ct and Naugatuck/hoosy valleys in particular.
  14. Do snow maps take into account elevation at all? The maps in nwct make no sense. It shows Torrington getting the same/more then place like north goshen and colebrook that are way higher up then here.
  15. temp is rising here 2 degrees in about 45 mins
  16. Just based off of events in the past I think Winsted will be about the line with this one. Seems like all these mixed bag events really start falling off south of there. The oct storm sticks out to me the most. Winsted got a foot+ and torrington only got around 4-6 inches depending on where in town u were. We got a bit more here in the hilltop.
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