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Everything posted by Kbosch

  1. Same on wind. It is a bit less frequent but more ferocious.
  2. Honestly, I think it's the heaviest stuff of the storm right now in BDR land. We've dropped visibility to several hundred feet. Getting more like 2-3" per hour.
  3. I was complaining about OKX going too far with this storm, but I'll end up verifying in their range. Is anyone in SNE outside of the CT coast piling up what we are? It seems like the totals are going to be extremely spotty.
  4. Our ratios are doing everything here. We don't often have this powder. It's a pleasure to shovel some light and fluffy stuff.
  5. It's near impossible without constant attempts. One of the most difficult I can remember. We have such powder, for once!
  6. Ripping. Still SN+, still 1-2" per hour. It's an interesting storm and extremely steady as she goes for SW CT, which is rare. We usually vacillate in intensity, play frequent games with dry slots and sleet, but this is working out well. Some of the bigger events (like 2011 and the HECSs) we've gone insane and hit 4-6" and even more per hour, up to 8" or so one of those nights. This is staying strong but not crazy at the same rate all day.
  7. He's very SW. We're all in the same zone, rocking.
  8. It has been quite an afternoon. CT shore is rocking and it'll still be hard to verify 18-24 in the heaviest BDR HVN to DXR places. At least we have a chance.
  9. A lot of you are going to rock later. It'll get there. Stay away from the toasters.
  10. I hesitate to say what we have. I'd go 9-10 conservatively but it's probably around a foot. Extremely difficult to measure in all areas. A chilly (for us) 28.3. SN+ continues at about 1" per hour now.
  11. Continuing SN+ at 27. Crushed and crushed some more. I'll give measuring a whirl in a while. Snow growth has been great.
  12. We're getting crushed. SN+ continues.
  13. SN. 23.4 All pavement and most (exposed) grass covered. Heavy inbound.
  14. 23.1 and I'm impressed with that.
  15. Yep, we even lost our virga for now. Next batch looks like the one.
  16. Yes it is haha but you all know this is how it goes, we have to break through a bit. All good.
  17. Seems very reasonable and very smart. Fax that over to "16-24" OKX.
  18. I think we were always about a foot with the usual overdone QPF. It's all good. Ratios and some luck can kick us up to 18.
  19. Agreed. We're certainly rolling on Monday and we'll be wrapped up overnight for anything meaningful.
  20. 100%. I used to feel they were too conservative, but around the epic HECS run in 10-11, they started going all out way too often. We just don't get these totals with that regularity or ease. We always find a way to sleet and mix or subsidence besides the few obvious special events in the last 20 years.
  21. Yep, they love going one step too far sometimes and making their own clown map. No need to push it beyond 12-18, and more of the east should be 8-12. Too many question marks. It *could* happen, to forecast this is rough.
  22. I hope the GFS looks awful until it's literally snowing. Utterly useless. I'd be worried if it showed a big hit.
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